Chapter 18

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A common practice at our sleepovers.

We always sing favorite songs, new songs we came across, songs we all love, and songs we all just read the title of and decided 'y not?'

I don't really sing alone. Just usually listen and sing with the others.

Im excited for the songs. It's always fun.

We all have pretty decent voices, not the best singing voices but decent enough for us.

"I DIDN'T LIKE THAT MOVIE! AT. ALL!" Finn yells into his pillow. Robin and Rue laugh.

"Mi Amor, u never like horror movies." Robin says, laughing and rubbing his hand comfortingly on Finney's thigh.

"Whatever, what're we doing now? I wanna get my mind off that.....woman." Finney says, shivering when he remembers La Llorona herself.

Griffin rolls his eyes. I chuckle.

"Pretty sure we're doing karaoke now." I assure him.

He nods.

I grab the remote, switching the TV settings while Bruce gets up and goes into his room to get the karaoke machine.

Vance just sits on the ground. He doesn't seem to know what to do.

"Rue has a karaoke machine. It hooks up to the TV and we can choose the songs we see or look up certain songs and the lyrics will show as the music plays. It's real fun." I explain. He nods.

Griffin shifts in my lap. I forgot he was there. I look down at him, he's leaning against my chest, his knees pulled into his chest and his long socks stopping just a few inches below his knees. He's adorable. Truly.

I place my arms around him again and squeeze a little.

He turns his head to look at me. I smile at him.

His lashes flutter a little before his eyes dart away.

Rue comes in with Amy helping him bring the machine. They set it down on the coffee table.

"Uh- if u needed help, u could've asked." Vance said, shifting to sit on his knees.

"Brucey never asks for help, he'll take an offer of help, but he won't ever ask for it." Amy says, rolling her eyes, "Stubborn, he is."

Vance just nods and Rue looks kinda embarrassed. He puts his hand on the back of his neck and chuckles a little.

"Ames, u joining us?" He asks, changing the subject.

She shakes her head, "Nah, not this time. I'll let y'all have fun with ur new friend. Tho, Yuki and Nisa might still join u. Older siblings r annoying, y'know?"

Rue laughs, throwing his head back, "Yea, yea, they- uh, they don't have many friends. They stick to themselves so they kinda always join us for a few activities." He explains, looking at Vance.

He nods once again, "That's ok, I don't mind."

Griffin moves from my lap and reaches for a penguin plushie. He grabs a dog plush and turns to look at me.

He lifts it toward me and tilts his head, asking if I want it. I smile and nod. He crawls toward me again and sets the dog to my right before situating himself back in my lap.

I move my arms to go back to hugging him.

Bruce and Finney start hooking up the machine to the TV.

Robin has his legs hanging over the back of the couch and his head hanging from the front, he's humming a song.

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