Chapter 9

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I woke up feeling terrified.

What if I snore? Would they care? They said they don't judge but what if that's a lie?

I should try to not get angry easily. Which doesn't seem too hard when with them. Small arguments r entertaining.

I'd been laying in bed for about 20 minutes now. I decided to get out and start getting ready.

My outfit for the day is a dark green tank top tucked into some black sweats and my grandpa's locket. (Literally an outfit I wore and loved)

I never knew him but Momma says he loved holding me as a baby. Wearing the necklace makes me feel safe and on this day and upcoming night, I wanna feel safe.

I yell a quick bye to Momma as I walk out the door. Walking down the street to get to my stop.

I stand, looking down at a few ants walking across the sidewalk. Each carrying their own crumb of food.

I looked at the grass, seeing a worm try to dig into the dirt.

I watch as a dragonfly zooms by. Landing on a mailbox across the street.

A butterfly catches my attention. It's beautiful bright blue wings glide with the slight breeze present on the lovely autumn day.

I close my eyes. Fall is my favorite season. I love all aspects of it.

I hear the bus come around the corner and I look up. I'm excited to see Bruce.

I get on and immediately look at Bruce, he's already looking at me and smiling. The right side of my lips lifts up.

It's happened a lot this week. The corners of my lips rising. It hurts if I do it for too long tho.

Bruce makes more room for me as I sit down. He looks up at me, smiling.

"R u excited?! It's sleepover day!" He asked. I stare at him and nod.

"Yea, im excited. But im also very terrified." I admit.

He raises a brow, "What? Y? Do we scare u?"

I quickly shake my head, "No! Not at all. In fact, I've really enjoyed being a part of ur group this week. I just haven't had a sleepover since I was like, 7."

His eyes widen, "What? That long? My last sleepover was like, 2 weeks ago. Tho, I only ever have sleepovers with our group. Oh! That reminds me, I should warn u. Our sleepovers r pretty chaotic, more than our everyday acts. We always watch horror movies, comedies, or romance. Play a whole bunch of group games and eat til we pass out. We also LOVE karaoke and singing til late at night. Everyone is expected to sing along unless u don't know the songs." He started ranting on. I stared at his face.

His eyes. His lips. His teeth when he smiled. His dimples. The way his brows furrowed. Everything.

"Doesn't ur family get annoyed by all the noise?" I ask.

"Nah, they know how we r, they usually wear earplugs or make plans to stay out as late as they can. Also, the upstairs loft is soundproof. Well, as soundproof as we could make an open space, ofc. Otherwise, they just watch their own thing and don't really mind it all that much. They're all pretty cool with it. My sisters tend to mess with us and they might come out to watch or play for a bit. They're harmless, annoying at times, but harmless." He continues ranting.

I snort. It catches his attention.

"What's so funny?" He asks, smiling and tilting his head to the left. It reminded me of an owl.

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