Chapter 25

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I've been having fun all night.

They were all such good friends and acted a lot like brothers. It was like they were all one family.

I wonder if I'll ever get to that level of familiarity with them.

Bruce comes back with a small basket. He places it on the coffee table and starts taking out a few things. I saw these packages with animals on them. They were really colorful.

"Ok, who wants to go first, and which mask do u want?" He points to the brightly colored packages.

NASA picked them up, "Bear, raccoon, fish, cat, dog, bird, wtf kinda masks r these?"

"They're the kind of masks I saw and thought were cute so I got my sisters to pay for them, stfu." Bruce responds, snatching the masks from the other's grasp.

"Anyway, who's first?" He looks at us with a bright smile.

Everyone looks around until Griffin sighs, "Fine! I'll go first." He groans, "I'll go with raccoon."

"Yay!" Bruce says, holding the raccoon mask and tearing it open.

The pulls out a really wet and moist blanket. It was tinted in grays and blacks. It looked......quite unappealing.

I look at Sassner, he had a look of regret on his face. I let out a playful huff.

"Laughing, huh? Good! Ur next!" Bruce says as he looks at me, smiling. I feel myself pale and Robin laughs at me.

"Shut up, you!" I grumble.

"Eh? U wanna go? Let's go then! Vamos!" He says before pouncing on me.

I realized quickly that wrestling is a common way of expressing their love.

We're about evenly matched. We both know some techniques from the Undergrounds.

He's able to grab my ankle and lift it toward his chest, causing me to fall back but I grab his arm and pull it under me.

This forces him to hit the ground before me and for me to land on him.

He grabs my arm, moves away from me, and wraps his legs around it. It limits my movement but I readjust myself and lift him up.


He's surprised and holds on tighter as I drop him on the couch and then drag him from it right after.

I pin him to the ground and he can't get up, "You're not gonna be able to get up, wanna withdrawal? Giving u the chance."

"I- wont- I still have- a- ugh- trick-" he says, I raise my brow confused.

Then he raises his arms and starts wiggling his fingers up and down my sides. I stare at him in confusion.

"What're u doing, man?" I say, letting out a small laughable huff.

He looks at me weirdly, opens his mouth then realizes he can't talk. I let go of him as he takes in a few breaths.

"He was tickling u, but ig ur just not ticklish. Good for u, bc that's his go-to method of winning anything." NASA says.

I look over, Rue was applying his mask now. It wasn't the same as Sassner's mask tho.

Bruce needed some sort of brush to apply this one and it was a bright gold color.

I look over at the kid, slightly jumping when my eyes land on him, "Jesus, kid, what is up with ur face?"

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