Chapter 4

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I walked in and refused to look anyone in the eyes until I needed to.

Which wasn't long after, unfortunately.

"Class, simmer down! This is Vance Hopper, he'll be joining us for 2nd period from now on." Johnny said.

I looked around the classroom, some girls were messing with their hair and biting their lips. Gross.

Then my eyes landed on Bruce. He was looking down at his desk, reading some papers. His hair fell over his eyes so....naturally. How is it possible for hair to look so attractive?

The girl to the left of his seat seemed to notice that he wasn't paying attention and tapped him. He looked over at her and she pointed toward me.

He turned his head and our eyes met. His eyes slightly widened before he started to smile. He had the kinda smile u just couldn't NOT return.

Except for me, idrk how to express myself very well. I've always known that. So, instead of smiling back, I kinda just stared at him again.

I say again bc, well, I stared at him last time he smiled at me on the bus.

Ig he doesn't mind all that much that I just stare at him when he smiles at me, bc he just kept smiling and even waved.

I snapped outta my trace, tf was I doing just standin' here like an idiot. I waved back.

"Bruce? U know Vance?" Johnny asked.

Bruce's back straightens up and he chuckles lightly. God, his laugh is cute.

"Kinda, sir, we're on the same bus. We sit together." I wonder if anyone can tell I'm still just staring at him. I should prolly stop, so I did. I instead decided to stare at my shoes.

They were old, still good tho. Simple black and white converse.

He had some plain white vans. They looked very well-kept.

Shit, I'm staring at him again.

"Well! Vance!" I looked to the teacher, "Seeing as u two r already close, y not sit next to him? I'm sure he'll help u catch up on our current unit." Teach John said, clapping his hands at the end.

I give a small nod and start heading to the desk on his right. He smiles at me the whole time, I can feel his eyes on me.

I sat down. In my peripheral vision, I could see that he was still looking at me. So, I looked over at him.

He was looking at me, leaning on his left hand, smiling. His smile grew when he noticed I started looking at him.

I, again, just stared back.


He has dimples.

His eyes were more than blue.

His eyes disappeared when he smiled widely.

His eyelashes were long and also blonde.

He has a light beauty mark on his left nostril.

He had freckles.

*Back to Vance*

Idk y but his stare made me feel warm? I prolly liked him. Just a little. But he's prolly not gay or bi or whatever.

I look away and just start messing with my pencil. I saw him turn forward too. Guess that's that then.

*time skip*

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