Chapter 10

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Immediately after I enter the classroom, I'm hit with SO MANY paper airplanes. They hit me everywhere and anywhere they could reach.

One hit my eye and another hit my nose straight on.

Everything is quiet for a small minute before I hear Bruce start cracking up behind me.

"HAAAAAAHAAHAHHAHAA, OMG, I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED! HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH HAHAHAH HAHA HEEEEEEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHE, JEEZ, VANCE, U LOOK SO CONFUSED!" Bruce kept laughing, falling to his knees and then falling onto his side as he holds his stomach from laughing too hard.

Then I hear a snort come from inside. I turn to look at Robin with bulging cheeks as he tries to keep himself from laughing. Ultimately, he fails as he also falls to his knees and places his hand on a desk to keep himself from falling onto the ground.

Then the entire class starts laughing lightly, the tension before was stiff but now it seemed quite comfortable. I could feel the corners of my lips rise again. I shook my head and sighed heavily.

"Was that meant for Bruce? Or did u all just KNOW that I was coming today?" I say, looking at my group of friends.

They're all laughing, Robin and Griffin laughing the loudest, as Finney tries to calm down.

"Yea, yea, sorry V, we wanted to hit Bruce with them bc yesterday he screamed in the middle of class as a way to scare us all."

I nod, "So. What ur saying is, I'm to blame Bruce for my misfortune and I should beat him up, huh?" I say, smirking at the end.

Robin immediately gets up and cups his mouth, "HACELO VANCE, FUCK HIM UP FOR ME!"

I turn to face Bruce, who's just barely gotten up from the ground and clearly hadn't been listening.

I grabbed him by the collar, not harshly, just strong enough to push him against the whiteboard. He's still smiling widely as I stare at him.

"How DARE you, Yamada! Don't u know who I am?! I'm Vance Hopper! The mean and tough new kid in town!" I say, smirking as he continues laughing.

He starts playing along, "G-god, *wheeze* I-i'm sorry, I didn't m-mean *snort* HAH! I CAN'T TAKE U SERIOUSLY, MAN! IM SORRY!" He says as he starts up his uncontrollable laughing again.

Everyone else starts cracking up as well, Bruce's laugh is very much contagious.

I feel a new sensation come over my face, I let out breathy laughs from my nose. I look back at Bruce to see him slightly smiling at me with wide eyes.

The new feeling goes away as I raise a brow, "What? Is there something on my face?" I ask, wiping at my mouth and cheeks in confusion.

"What? No! It's just- u- u smiled for like, a second and I'd nev-"





Bruce is pushed out of my sight as the other four come into view.

"Awwwwww, he's not smiling anymoooooore!"

"SHIT! Can't believe we missed it!"



I look towards Bruce on the ground. He's lying on his side dramatically with his tongue sticking out and his eyes jokingly rolled looking up.

Robin went and kicked his ass and Bruce started shaking violently before raising his limbs and falling limp. Robin rolls his eyes and bends down, cracking his knuckles and looking towards us, nodding.

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