Chapter 37

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I smiled as I heard Griffin's comment.

I walked up to the door, using my keys to unlock it and looking back to make sure they all followed. They did.

I open the door and hold it open as they file in.

"Go ahead, move in." I say, seeing them staying in the entrance hall.

They shuffle around a little more but still stay in the hall. I huff and shake my head, smiling at their shy actions.

"Momma! Nous sommes ici!"

(Momma! We are here!)

"Ici, ma chérie!" She calls out from the kitchen.

(Here, Darling!)

"Come on, Kids." I say, motioning for them to follow.

They do so as we walk from the entrance into the kitchen.

There stood my momma, as small as ever, wearing her signature hairstyle. Two braids from the front connect to a singular braid that goes down her back and some small hair pins all along the braids. She loved doing her hair and this was her favorite look.

She was standing at the counter, chopping some peppers and jalepeños, moving from the counter to the stove, she starts stirring the pot.

She's singing along to a song coming from her really old radio and doing small turns and stepping to a pattern.

I can hear Bruce and Finn 'aww' at the sight of her little dance. I smile.

"Momma." She turns to look at us and smiles brightly.

"Vance, mon bébé! Ce sont vos amis?"

(Vance, my baby! These your friends?)

I nod and stand next to her to introduce them, "Starting with Griffin, Billy, Bruce, Finney, et Robin." I say, staring from the left to the right.

She nods as she remembers each name, "Hello! I am Angeline, u can call me Lili, if that is better for u!" She says, with a small clap of her hands.

I can clearly tell NASS is trying really hard to not squeeze her and go 'AWWW' instead, he smiles.

"Nice to meet you, Lili! U look just like Vance!" He says, smiling and shaking her hand.

She smiles and cups her face, looking at me, "Awww, il dit qu'on se ressemble!"

(Awww, he says we look alike!)

"Parce que nous faisons, Momma." I say, shaking my head with a small smile.

(Because we do, Momma.)

She giggles, nodding in agreement, "Oki! Dinner is almost done, just need 20 more time." She says, holding up 2 fingers.

Bruce giggles, "We don't mind waiting." He assures her.

She nods, "Oki, u all go sit at table. Talk, have fun. I stay here and pinish food!" She says, pointing at the table.

"Finish, pas pinish, finish. Avec un F." I tell her.

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