Surprise Surprise~

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1 year later:

Vance and Bruce graduated.

They invited their friends, their families, the families of their friends, and Molly with her son and daughter-in-law. This group of ppl would be the ones to scream the loudest.

They walked across that stage and held their diplomas. Officially ending a chapter of their lives and soon beginning a new one.

Vance accepted a scholarship in fine arts and Bruce took a sports scholarship.

They couldn't be happier. They had each other. They had their friends. They had their families. They had everything they needed in life to be happy.

2 years later:

A year into college, Bruce started wondering about marriage and futures and all that. He was just a curious soul.

He brought it up to Vance and they decided they didnt need rings and papers and a wedding to know they loved each other.

But they still got married 4 years later. After they graduated college, Vance proposed and they got married that following year.

7 years later:

They were happy. Living in their own house, in a peaceful area, and doing things they loved as careers.

Bruce was Vance's muse. He painted, drew, sketched, and even photographed his beautiful husband. Bruce didn't mind the attention, he loved it actually.

They enjoyed their days when they lay in bed, cuddling and watching movies together. Drinking tea and coffee. Lazing around in the living room.

They often went on dates. Every 2 weeks, in fact. They felt it was good to continue dating even after marriage, as a way to keep sparks lively. Think of feeding wood to a fire. That is what their dates did to their ever-growing love.

10 years later:

27 was a good age to start a family. Some say earlier is better if u want more children, but Vance and Bruce felt they had had enough to deal with seeing as they took care of their 4 idiotic friends constantly.

They did, however, adopt a pair of fraternal twins.

Two Afro-Latino children. Aged 8. Male and female. Cecilia and Cecil.

The two were incredibly intelligent children. They knew both Spanish and English. Later, they learned both French and Japanese as a small Christmas present to their two fathers. It made the men tear up.

They were two entirely different personalities.

Cecilia was rambunctious, loud, extremely happy, and direct. She spoke her mind whenever she pleased about whatever she pleased.

She would watch her Papi and Tio Robin train. Oftentimes, she would ask her dad if she would grow up to be as strong as him. Vance would always encourage her, telling her to set goals and to reach them.

Cecil was quiet, unbothered, passive, and talented. He knew exactly what he wanted and how to get it.

He enjoyed reading and painting. He did not enjoy sports. As a matter of fact, he did not enjoy being outside.

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