Chapter 14

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I stared at the back of Bruce's head, I knew he was completely stunned and was slowly processing what Vance had just said.

I looked at Vance, he seemed calm and unbothered, as if he had no clue what calling another guy attractive means.

"HURRY UP U FUCKING SHITFACES, WE AREN'T GETTING ANY WINS IF UR ALL JUST STANDING AROUND LIKE IDIOTS!" Vance was the first to start heading up the stairs. I watched him go and disappear as he went into the loft.

I looked at Robin, stunned in mid-action. He stood up fully and looked at me. His eyes wide.

'U were right' his face said.

'I know I was' I faced back. Smug.

'How' he faced.

I shrugged then put my hand over my heart, 'Feeling'

He nodded slowly.

We looked at Bruce. He was still stunned.

I walked down the 2 steps I had previously walked up. Robin walked up to us.

We look at each other, small smirks on our faces.

"Rue? R u ok? R u, perhaps, shocked? Flustered? Embarrassed?" Robin started teasing. I silently laugh.

Poking Bruce's cheek, I say, "He's all of those. After all, he says he thinks he li-"

Bruce snaps out of it and slaps his hand on my mouth, a glare now gracing his features. He quickly looks up the stairs, probably making sure Vance wasn't around.

He sighs in relief, his hand staying on my face. He looks at me and I wink before opening my mouth and licking his hand.

"FINNEY! AGH! THAT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING! EVEN MY SISTERS DON'T DO THAT TO ME! Fucking asshole..." He yells out, wiping his hand on Robin's shirt, who gives him an offended look before shaking his head.

"What was so secretive that I can't know, huh?" Robin asks, giving Bruce a disappointed pout.

Bruce shakes his head, "It's nothing important, really. I meant to only tell Billy bc he asked about it but Finney and Griff were eavesdropping like the little bitches they r." He gives me another glare.

"But I still wanna know tho." Robin persists. Bruce looks hesitant.

He starts biting the inside of his cheek and looked up the stairs again. He sighs, "Ok, but u CAN NOT mention it unless I bring it up first, ok?" Robin nods, "When we went to get snacks, Griff and Finn were just leaving when Bill asked about something I said back on Monday. I had called Vance " the most beautiful person I'd ever seen" or something along those lines. So, Bill asked if I still thought that. And I said yea bc well, have u seen Vance? And then he asked if I liked Vance. I told him I- wasn't EXACTLY sure if I liked Vance. But that I did still consider him the most attractive person I know by far."

"And that's when me and Griff came back in, bc we were eavesdropping and we immediately started asking Rue questions. Basically, like, long story short basically, he doesn't know if he likes Vance bc he feels it's too early to say he genuinely likes him. He thinks it's too early to have a crush on the new kid and he doesn't think Vance likes him. He also doesn't know how to find out if he likes Vance and if Vance likes him bc he's never been romantically interested in ppl before, y'know."

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