Chapter 17

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How am I supposed to look him in the eyes?

How do ppl do this?

How do ppl act normally around their crush?!?!

It's so hard!!!!

Ok, Bruce, ok! U got this!

Karaoke is right after the movie. I can choose a song in Japanese. But which one?

I rack my brain for any songs to come up.

None do. They're all songs about true love and finding THE one. Not about crushes or conflicting feelings.

Guess I'm sticking to musicals. (I actually don't like musicals, I think they're boring, but I feel like Bruce and Finney would be musical fanatics and they have some pretty catchy songs, so yea)

Which musical?

Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, WAIT!

It's just another sleepover with the group. I can just sing like I normally would. Forget trying to indirectly tell Vance u might like him.

Ok, ok, ok, Ik what songs imma sing now.

I LOVE Bad Habit. It's really catchy and I found it just the other day. The guys might like it.

And I'll also sing Righteous Hand of God, that's a good one.

I wonder if Vance will sing any songs?

Is it rude to assume they might be French songs? I think that's rude. Bad Bruce.

Will he sing songs we all know?

He seems like he listens to metal, I wonder if he enjoys songs I enjoy.

I'm taken outta my thoughts when I feel a light weight on my crossed legs.

I look down, seeing those beautiful blonde curls sprawled over my legs.

I tugged on one before placing my hand in the curls again.

I hear Vance quietly sigh and I can see his lashes flutter.

Despite being blonde, his lashes r dark black and long.

I watch as they flutter each time I comb my fingers through his hair. The white light from the TV reflecting off them and highlighting his doe eyes.

I didn't realize earlier, but his eyes r naturally wide and big. They remind me of a cat's eyes.

I remember the face that stares at us.

His doe eyes filled with question.

His right eyebrow being just slightly raised in curiosity.

The tilt of his head to the left.

He's adorable. Completely and entirely.

He's shorter than me. Just slightly. Just short enough to have to look up at me. I find it cute.

I catch a glimpse of something orange so my eyes search for it.

It's a small orange spot on Vance's left shoulder. I go to touch it.

I poke it. Vance lifts his head off my lap and looks at his shoulder. He looks back at the TV and lets his head drop back into my lap.

Ig it's just paint. He did mention that he had paint wars with his mother. Guess he never fully gets the paint off.

I start to pick at it. Scratching it off for him. It comes off pretty easily, it is just paint after all. I let my hand rest on his shoulder.

I look at his face, his eyes r wide and already looking at me. He blinks.

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