Chapter 11

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In second period, Vance seemed really nervous. He kept bouncing his right leg and tapping his left fingers on his desk.

He also seemed to just not be paying attention. Clearly dazed and zoned out.

I rip a piece of paper out of my notebook and start writing.

*Bruce is bold*
*Vance is italics*

U ok? U look out of it
Nervous for tonight ig?

I place the piece of paper on his desk and give his hand a light poke.

He flinches, startled, and looks at me. I point to the paper and turn to face the board.

I can see him pick it up, read it, and start writing back.

There's something about passing notes with ur crush that's just- very exciting, y'know? Heart-racing.

He quickly places the paper on my desk and I pick it up.

Yea, I am kinda nervous. Small stuff, don't worry about it :)

I smile. Tho, I am still a little worried. We r a pretty loud and chaotic group, he might get scared away.

U sure? U can tell me if there's anything ur scared of. I won't judge :D

He picks it up. Writes back. Passes it back.

Yea, well, idk, guess im kinda scared that ur gonna judge something? Idk, it's a small fear. Ive never really had any friends-friends, y'know?

Whaaaaaaat? Naaaaaah, we won't judge anything. Tho, we do joke around with each other. Think we'll scare u away? :,)

No, I don't think so. I don't get scared very easily. Also, Ive had a lot of fun the past week. Ur all great to be around :D

Maybe, maybe not.
I think, honestly, that our group is QUITE frightening to the outside world.

U think wrong. I am not scared of ur jokes and jabs. Haven't u heard? I'm Vance Hopper, the "strongest" kid at this new school. All bc I beat that one kid. Moose? What kinda name is that? Looks more like a walrus to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I let out a loud snort before covering my mouth. That's so embarrassing.

Vance looks at me with wide eyes and his lips raised.

"Bruce? Something to share?" Mr. Johnson asks.

"I- uuuuuhhh- well-" I look to Vance for help but he just looks away, a smirk on his face, "um, I was just.....doodling? And uh, I thought of something funny? Yea! My bad." I give a sheepish smile.

He doesn't seem convinced, "Uh-huh, back to the lesson, class......"

I let out a sigh of relief and turn to glare at Vance for not helping me out but I stop as soon as my eyes land on him.

He's smiling. Mouth closed but smiling. His eyes r squeezed shut and his nose is scrunched. But he's smiling. Silently laughing too if his shaking body is anything to go by.

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