The Mysterious Creature

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"Yes, Elemental?" Time Steve asked.

"I sense some weird presence- Something, or someone, it's... weird," Elemental Steve replied.

"Hey, I'm back," Said Dark Steve, walking over to everyone. Meanwhile, Time Steve and Elemental Steve are still discussing in the meantime.

"Hey Dark, good to see you're back, what you been doing today?" Sabre asked.

"I just been talking to the other steves and been helping them out with things. Plus, I've been speaking to the leaders, getting to know them better as well. We've all moved on as well, since... y'know, our complicated history," Dark Steve replied. Sabre nodded, and was going to say something back, but he partially overhears what Time Steve and Elemental Steve are discussing.

"That's good Dark but uh- Time, Elemental, what's wrong? What are you talking about?" Sabre asked, everyone else also looking at them.

"I sense weird energy signatures, and it's not 'Discord' kind of weird," Elemental Steve replied.

"Oh, that don't sound good," Sabre thought to himself.

"We'll go check on it. Let's go, Elemental," Time Steve responded. Elemental Steve began striking lightning, teleporting himself and his brother.
The 2 are now in a swampy forest. They are only a few blocks away from an eroded path of gravel, podzol and course dirt blocks. The oak trees around them, despite being ancient, still had lush green leaves roofing over the swamp.

"Why have you taken us here, Elemental? We already know about this place," Time Steve questioned.

"Had to teleport a good sixty blocks away from where I sensed the weird signature, follow me," Elemental Steve answered with a whisper. Time Steve follows his brother, both walking slowly, looking out for anything. It is dark, and they can't see further than 10 blocks.

"We should go on the path. It'd save time."

"We don't know where that energy source is, or what it could do to us," Elemental Steve replied, rejecting Time Steve's suggestion, and still whispering.

They have been walking for a minute, keeping close to the eroded path, but a few blocks away. Then they could see what looks like a yellow glow, which casts out a shape from the pitch darkness of night time. The casted shape shows a 4 legged creature or sorts. It also appears to have 2 long curled horns. However, the lack of night from the night sky, plus the leaves blocking the dim light made it hard to show the whole creature. They could only see it's shape.

"You were right about something Elemental, but how did you sense that from such a distance?" Time Steve very quietly whispered.

"We're both technically Indigo Steves, connection in space time and so on- It doesn't matter, do we follow it?" Elemental Steve replied.

"We don't know what it can do. I'd say we should relay this back to the others. This is too weird," Time Steve stated.

"Who dares to intrude my land wielding such oppressive amounts of power? The power... I can sense it..." A voice echoes, and although the little light illuminated little of the dark, they could see 2 glowing bright pinkish purple eyes. Those eyes are seen glaring at whatever the creature is, the one Time Steve and Elemental Steve can't make out.

"Oh... you... welcome back. Have you got that bell? You know... it's of great importance to us..."

"Quiet, we don't know if anything else is around, but yes I do," The creature spoke with a slow, deep monotone voice.

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