An Old Foe

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"Sabre, you okay? It's just another Demon," Said Elemental Steve.

"No, Elemental, I... I remember him..." Sabre stuttered, but pulls himself together and looks at the hovering demon.

"Hello... Nightmare Steve."

"Sabre, you're not... scared, are you?" Rainbow Dash asked. She never seen Sabre look scared. Sabre always shown bravery under what seemed too overwhelming, but pulls through, with sheer willpower. Seeing Sabre show fear so easily surprises her.

"If anything... if could m- No, I'm not Rainbow Dash, I'm fine," Sabre replied.

"I sense the fear run through you! Don't lie to yourself Sabre!" Nightmare Steve laughed hysterically.

"Enough, how are you back Nightmare? I know Void, he came back, but he died as Void with the crystals! You were destroyed as a regular steve with darkness!" Sabre exclaimed.

"Two beings are the reason, one of the two you know, and the other one, is a well know historical figure here, known for spreading fear! I couldn't spread so much fear as he could! Not even Void could've spread as much fear as he did throughout this land!" Nightmare Steve replied with a vague answer.

"But, I've not actually came for you Sabre. I've come for these two." Nightmare Steve glares at Time Steve and Elemental Steve.

"If you came for any of us, you got to get through me as well and I'll leave you limping!" Rainbow Dash yelled at Nightmare Steve, who looks at Rainbow Dash.

"It isn't just me who's back. Plus, I'd destroy you in an instant! I've already destroyed so many of your kind! These puny ponies are too easy to destroy ah HA HA!" Nightmare Steve yelled, striking lightning near the pegasus, who backs off.

"These powers offer much greater opportunity the darkness did. I'd destroy all of you without looking! I reckon I'd beat that pathetic Galaxy with just a sneeze!"

"One thing hasn't changed about you, Nightmare Steve. You still like to brag and talk smack, don't you? We will beat you again, and you know that," Sabre responded.

"Say that about our creator again, I DARE you!" Elemental Steve angrily shouted, striking Nightmare Steve with lightning, which he just shrugs off.

"Elemental, don't," Time Steve urged, trying to pull his brother back.

"You two don't even have the power to beat me! HA! WEAK! Your creator will be ASHAMED of creating you two WEAKLINGS!" Then out of nowhere, a bright purple beam hits Nightmare Steve, knocking him back 10 blocks.


"Stay away from them... stay away from everyone..." Twilight growled, looking at the hovering demon.

"I'm not the only one that is back! In other places, panic and fear is spreading throughout this land! Three others are in control of these Demon Steves as well!" Nightmare Steve shouted, then tries shooting fireballs at the purple alicorn. However, Twilight shields herself with a magical purple sphere, then drops the shield.

"Don't... EVER come back here!" Twilight comes flying in to intervene, and shoots another purple beam of magic at Nightmare Steve, who just teleports away. He may have more power, but that amount of power taken him by surprise and decided to flee to play it safe.

"You showed up just in time," Time Steve stated.

"You scared him off Twilight! I hope he remembers that," Rainbow Dash sniggered, showing a smug grin of satisfaction.

"The rest of Equestria is on high alert. With whoever that was out the way, no more of these abominations should spawn. Canterlot is now completely secure," Twilight explained, sighing afterwards.
(Twilight's POV)

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