The Battle Of Canterlot

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Sabre, Time Steve, Light Steve, Elemental Steve, Dark Steve, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Starlight, Shining Armour, the 3 elites of the Colourless Guard and the 3 elites of the Royal Guard are near the bottom of the path. When they all got to the bottom, they could hear the dreadful cries and screeches the Demon Steves made. The demons slowly marched their way forward, and they began to pick up their pace.

"CHARGE!" Light Steve let's out a war cry, running up to a Demon Steve and piercing his spear through it's head, destroying it. The demon made a screeching groan as he fell to the ground before it's body turned into smoke. Light Steve then steps back to get some distance as he notices a Demon Steve attempting to lunge at him. The elite Royal and Colourless Guards do the same, running up to and piercing a Demon Steve with their spears. The unicorn Royal Guards are using their magic to hold their spears, while the single pegasus elite Royal Guard member has grip of their spear with his left forehoof, using only 3 hooves to charge, which he can do thanks to his elite training. Sabre meanwhile is providing support to both the elite Royal and Colourless Guards, shooting several arrows at many Demon Steves with his bow. Each time Sabre fired an arrow, the infinity enchantment gave him the arrow back.

"They're encircling us!" Pinkie Pie screamed. They then all take a step back as although 7 Demon Steves fell, 20 more came out of nowhere each side and tried to surround the group, forming 2 pincers. Time Steve and Elemental Steve strikes the 2 Demon Steve pincer movements with lightning, destroying most of them, while Rarity uses her magic and flings the remaining Demon Steve pincer movements into the air, them being dead as they landed back down. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash flies high up, into the clouds. Everyone falls back as the Demon Steves just push on, careless of their losses. They all then notice Rainbow Dash coming back down, and had brought a dark grey cloud with her, placing it directly above the majority of the Demon Steves, all in under 5 seconds. She repeatedly jumps on it, striking a massive hole in the ranks of Demon Steves with lightning.

The remaining Demon Steves mindlessly marched on, which they get destroyed with ease. Pinkie Pie slows 2 Demon Steves down by throwing several cupcakes out of her forehooves, coming from seemingly nowhere, while Rarity finished them off, using her magic to levitate some large stones, using them to pelt the Demon Steves in the head. Then only 9 remained, which Dark Steve destroys by striking lightning on 3 of them. Starlight destroys 5 of them with a single bright blue beam of magic, incinerating them. The last one, Sabre kills with an arrow.

"How are you so fast!? No Yellow Steve can match that speed!" One of the Elite Colourless Guards exclaimed at Rainbow Dash.

"It's just what I do. That was well easy as well," Rainbow Dash smirked.

"Yeah well, you did just obliterate the majority of them. I didn't know you could do that with clouds. We would've probably been overwhelmed there if it weren't for that. There was probably at least a hundred of them you had destroyed alone, Rainbow Dash," Sabre responded. They all then hear more screeching and crying in the distance. Another a wave of Demon Steves approaches, 4 times the size of the one they all defeated, all charging towards them, who are holding the bottom of the hill still.

"There's more!? How..." Sabre thought to himself.

"I made a personal oath to not use this again... but in this situation... I shall make this an exception!" Elemental Steve roared as he hovers up.

"Earth Splitter!" Elemental Steve strikes several lightning on the ground, splitting the ground horizontally between the Demon Steves and everyone else, also making sure he doesn't destroy anything important. The crack leads to a 50 block drop, with lava at the bottom of it. Several Demon Steves fall down into the cracks. The demons behind the ones that fell began to manoeuvre around.

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