The Demon Steve's Last Stronghold

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Sorry for the wait! But I'm sure it is well worth it. This is the first mega mega chapter I've ever done. This is easily by far the largest chapter I've ever written, so far. This chapter is around 21k words. I thought I'd make such a large chapter as a special treat ;)

Anyway, enjoy the chapter, it's a big, big, big chapter :3
"Oh... here they come..." Sabre sees that coming out the cave is a tsunami of Demon Steves. All of them are wearing gold armour.

"It's time."

The battle had just begun.

Changelings and pegasuses as well as Cadence come in from above on top of the Demon Steves. The rest that are on the ground charges forward, unicorns firing a systematically-fast barrage of magical beams and steve archers firing a thunderstorm of arrows while the yaks, Professor Red's tanks, earth ponies and spear-wielding steves charge into the front lines.
(Sabre's POV)

"Right, Dash, you ready?"

"Yeah," She replied.

Rainbow Dash's powerful wings began flapping and lifting the pair of us into the air with the other pegasi and the changelings, while I get ready with the supercharged redstone staff. She extends our both her forehooves and strikes a large chunk of demons with lightning, thanks to the abilities of the armour Professor Red gave her.

Everyone on the ground are also moving forward, the yaks and Professor's tanks being at the front. The demons began being pushed back, no losses yet. The demons in gold armour began to retreat... odd. More Demon Steves start coming out, this time in armour that appears to look like... copper?

Dash aims one of her forehooves and strikes lightning... but I see that the copper armour protects them from being damaged. I tried to strike the demons with lightning from my staff, but that did nothing.

"That copper armour is protecting them! We'll have to wait for those on the ground to do their thing," I said to Rainbow Dash. The armour must act like the rods that attract lightning.
(Colle's POV)

"Get away- You-"

I ran to Goggles' tank and start striking them demons with lightning. That does nothing to them- The copper armour must be protecting them. They're still climbing on top of it- Oh no this isn't good.

Lightning doesn't work, so I switch to fireballs. I finally see some of them monsters to fall. Okay that's good.

"Gotta fire some more- I got this- Gah, there we go..." I managed to clear the tank of all the demons that were climbing on top of it.


Wow- Ouch- That's loud- Ah my ears. But it- It just blew a hole in the demon's ranks. That's all that matters.

"Colle!" I see Goggles climb out of the hatch on top of the turret. He drops me a few stacks of... What- Okay... he still clearly craves for salmon.

"Them salmons will obliterate any demon you see. But use them wisely, or you'll have an existential crisis fall over you in the river," He said to me.

Okay- clearly whatever he said to me... Okay, whatever made him insane... has been affecting him... this whole time? I wanna do something about that- No way do these salmons work, right?

"Colle! To your left!"

"Ah!" A Demon Steve lunges for me, but I jump off the tank out of harm's way. Luckily Goggles spotted him, because I didn't.

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