Can Time Steve Be Saved?

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Sabre appears in an area void of any background. The whole background is white. He then hears a voice behind him.

"Hello Sabre, it has been in your perspective, a fair while since you last spoke to me."

Sabre turns around and sees a glowing white steve with completely white hair. They also have dots and dashes of very light grey over their body, and they have light blue feet. They also have blue and yellow eyes, a light grey nose and a slightly dark grey mouth.

"Calmness- Is that you?" Sabre recognizes the figure as Calmness Steve. His presence shook Sabre a little, because the last time he remembers seeing him was when he got reformed into who he is now.

"I had to step in. Time Steve, in his volition to defeat the Daleks, risked his life. But in doing so he shredded space and time so much that had I not intervened just now, time would've corrected itself. What I'm basically saying is... you and the steves wouldn't remember meeting the ponies," Calmness Steve explained to Sabre.

"Wait- Is Time okay- Is he alive!?" Sabre worries for his longtime friend. According to Calmness Steve, Time Steve broke time much more than he did when pausing all of time to save him from Corruption Steve and Soul Steve.

"I know the answer, but whether he is alive or not, you must find out on your own the answer," Calmness Steve replied.

"Is the Daleks like- Completely gone- Did Time at least get rid of the Daleks?" Sabre asked next.

"Again, you must find out on your own," Calmness Steve replied.

"So uh... can you send me back?" Sabre requested.

"Before I send you back, I wish to ask one question," Calmness Steve requested Sabre.

"Sure, go ahead I guess," Sabre responded.

"Derpy and Dinky, are they okay?" Calmness Steve asked in a shameful voice.

"Dinky seems... okay, she also has the CMC supporting her- But still, them two are still suffering from what you did while you were still Madness Steve. I know you've changed for the better and you're now this... being who- I don't know, watches over everything and intervenes in situations like this. But it doesn't take away the fact of what you did- Plus, it's not just Derpy and Dinky who are still suffering. The six, the CMC included too- Many... many others are still struggling, even though they try to put a brave face on it, they're still hurt inside," Sabre explained with nothing but the whole truth.

"I see, and I understand why. Thank you for your transparency, and I ask of one more thing Sabre. Tell Derpy that... she's a strong pegasus," Calmness Steve requested.

"Sure, I will do when I next see her," Sabre replied.

"I've fixed the main damage Time caused, but I only fixed what was necessary to prevent everything collapsing. You must do the rest, as my primary role is supervising and intervening when needed. You and your friends alsonstill have much more left to do, but work together, you'll overcome the challenges that await you," Calmness Steve explained before instantly sending Sabre away.
Sabre looks around his surroundings. They are in what looked like was once a kingdom in a desert, long abandoned, most likely abandoned for generations. Any structures that probably once stood proudly are now just piles of sandstone.

Sabre walks to the Doctor Whooves and the Doctor, who stand only a few feet away.

"Well... at least the Daleks ain't gonna be a problem- But uh... where are we?"

"You weren't around, this kingdom was once thriving with steves, Desert Steves to be exact. But then Void Steve came and... well, I think you can piece it together," The Doctor explained.

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