What Are The Daleks Doing Here?

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In Doctor Whooves' TARDIS, there is a TV that's above the control panel in the middle. That TV is connected to the Doctor in the other TARDIS.

"Coordinates of the Dalek spaceship located," The Doctor said on the TV.

"Setting destination to coordinates," Doctor Whooves responded back, flicking and pressing the buttons on the control panel below the TV. Sabre, Time Steve and Starlight have no clue what the levers and buttons do.

"Are we there yet?" Time Steve asked.

"Had just set the coordinates, should be there any moment now," Doctor Whooves replied.

"Looks like you two know what you're doing," Said Starlight.

"I, and he most probably as well, have been doing this for a looong time," Doctor Whooves responded back.

"Well, we need to go stop them. If these Daleks can time travel, what havoc they would cause by changing events- It won't be good at all," Sabre replied, his voice sounding rigid and tense, out of anxiousness.

"We're here," Doctor Whooves said as he trots to one of the 4 doors in his TARDIS. Outside, the walls and the roof in the room are silver. On the ceiling are 3 metal battens, with various amounts of dents in them. They extend from the left side to the right side. On each metal batten are 3 circular plain lights. On the opposite side of the TARDIS is a rectangular doorway without a door. The edges of the doorway is made of thick steel with 4 silver bumps. In each corner, there is a black control panel. It has a circular radar at the top, and 3 red spherical light bulbs on the left and right.

"Where are we?" Sabre asked Doctor Whooves as they, Time Steve and Starlight exits the TARDIS, while the Doctor exits his.

"A Dalek spaceship, but this one looks empty," Doctor Whooves replied.

"They're gonna be... fooled, when they see two TARDISes though, I bet," The Doctor sniggered to Doctor Whooves, who sniggers back. Then through that doorway on the other side, they see a white Dalek coming through. It is the same design as the 2 others everyone else saw, just that it's painted white. It moves forward to Sabre, the steve, the pony and the 2 time travellers, a true mix of characters indeed.

"IDENTIFY-" A white Dalek notices there are 2 vertical-standing blue oblongs, with both saying 'Police Public Call Box' at the top. It definitely doesn't like what those oblongs are.


"TWO DOCTORS!?" Then the same blue Dalek comes through the doorway and parks on the left side next the white one.

"ALERT! THERE ARE TWO DOCTORS!" A different Dalek voice came from the corner. Next, an orange Dalek comes through the doorway. It stops moving when it is parked on the right side next to the white Dalek. Then a yellow Dalek parks on the left of the blue one. Lastly, the same red Dalek they saw parks on the right side next to the yellow Dalek.

"Okay Doctor, you were right, there's a lot more than just one," Sabre speaks to himself inside of his head.

"THERE ARE TWO DOCTORS!?" The red Dalek shouts, it's whole armoured casing shaking as it spoke.

"HEART RATE OF STALLION HAS INCREASED. THE DOCTOR AND STALLION ARE CONNECTED," The yellow Dalek said loudly. The white Dalek then starts moving towards the brown stallion.


"He's none of your business." The white dome head immediately turns until the eyestalk is looking at Time Steve.


"No, but I'll identify myself though. I'm Time Steve, and if you make any move, I'll pause time and break myself to break time on purpose, and you'll be destroyed in the process. I suggest you move away, or I'll do it. One move and I'll break all of time."

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