The Upcoming Battles

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The Doctor is in his TARDIS. He is preparing to head for London. He wants to see London for a final time before he went back to Clara Oswald and regenerate. He was due to regenerate before he came to Equestria.

"What else is there left to do?" The Doctor asked himself multiple times while flicking levers and pressing buttons on the control panel that's in the centre of his time machine.

"The Paradigm is gone. Those two have been dealt with. What else is there to do? Was that why I came here? Was that what... myself... was talking about?" The Doctor continues flooding himself with his questions and thoughts.
(Seconds later)

His TARDIS materializes near the Big Ben. He heads over to the door that's on the same platform level as his control panel. But when he opens the door, he finds that he actually isn't in London, and most certainly not near the Big Ben. The whole surrounding and background is a glowing bright white, with a very miniscule hint of yellow.

"Hello, Doctor, it's been a while. Thought I'd... intercept your machine." A glowing figure appears, who is wearing a light blue shirt, darker blue trousers, grey shoes. His skin is a peach colour, has brown hair and 2 completely blue glowing eyes.

"Yes... I guess it has been a while, Origin," The Doctor replied, walking out of the TARDIS.

"I just couldn't see it coming. I thought he changed for the better. No wonder he demanded for the whole world below to be under his control."

"Origin, you created him- Dear me- You should've known he wasn't on your side, never was and never will be," The Doctor responded, sounding slightly annoyed with Origin Steve.

"I should've known better, I know. During the struggle against Madness, when he got out the Madness Dimension, he... 'he' let me free, so I could tell Sabre and his friends reforming Madness was the only way to stop him from collapsing every dimension, every reality... just everything both conceivable and inconceivable- Even things inconceivable to all-knowing beings like me- Madness or Calmness, whoever they are, they can't be comprehended," Origin Steve said back, sounding and feeling guilty. The Doctor now understands why Origin Steve trusted 'him'.

"I thought 'he' was trying to change his ways, but now, his intentions are clear. He only helped everybody, because Madness threatened his continued existence."

"If you're no longer confined by that paradoxical curse, why haven't you come and help? You have all this power, and you have chosen to just watch. I had no choice in my matter otherwise my home universe would have burned. You can make a difference and yet you choose not to," The Doctor questioned, and says to Origin Steve the reason he's annoyed with him. Origin Steve understands where the Doctor is coming from.

"I wish it was that simple, Doctor..." Origin Steve stutters, looking away.

"Why isn't it simple!?" The Doctor shouted and loses his cool.

"You have the ability to do something about what's going on and you just sit here doing nothing! Why can't you just come and help!? More lives could've been saved if you had done something instead of waiting until- Spoilers... I- I can't really... finish, what I was going to say..." Doctor went from shouting with rage to a stutter.

"I have the power, yes... you're right Doctor. I could help my creations fight. But, just because I have this power, doesn't mean I should... help. I must... let them pick their path," Origin Steve replied.

"You didn't keep out of the Last War, did you? You rampaged through that army of Diamond Steve's, for the betterment of the rest of your creations," The Doctor is speaking in his normal voice again and brings up a point, a very good one at that.

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