The Great Betrayal

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I decided to do a little bit on the villain's perspective. I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Meanwhile in the Overworld...

The First Curse is at the top of Dream Steve's mountain. With him is Grogar and Void Steve. He has brought them here, to mock Origin Steve together... at least that's what they've been told.

"You have lost many Origin. I have lost... nothing. Soon, they will have nothing, and I will gain... everything," The First Curse mocked, taking a long stare at the sky. He envisions from the world beyond that Origin Steve looking down on the overworld, powerless to help. The universe is cursed and the equine universe is cursed. More universes are soon going to fall to the First Curse's wrath.

"With Origin gone, nothing stands in our way," Void Steve confidently boasted.

"Indeed, nothing will in our way," The First Curse nodded. The First Curse is only looking at Void Steve, and doesn't pay any attention to Grogar.

"Discord is still out there, and he'll disrupt plans as long as he's still in the picture," Grogar reminded the First Curse, who snorts back as he looks away. He is glad that Grogar brought up Discord. It just reminded the First Curse exactly why he brought Grogar to the top of the mountain.

"No. He will no longer be a pest... soon that is," The First Curse confidently boasted, as he creates lightning strikes in front of him, summoning his red armour.

"But for that to be a reality, someone needs to be... retired," The First Curse spoke as he turns back around. The white symbols emitting from him grow in intensity while pointing his right hand at Grogar, who cautiously steps back.

"Did you seriously think we were in a team? No, we were never a team," The First Curse revealed.

"I haven't been honest with any of my intentions to anyone. We were never going to separate and rule our respective multiverses. The equines are so rich in power. Why would I take just the steves, when I can take both and feed on both of their energy, and have them all to myself?" The First Curse callously spoke.

"You were just a pawn to me. But now you have served my purpose Grogar, I can now sacrifice my pawn, which is you," The First Curse callously added.

"I've been preparing for this," Grogar grinned. He isn't too surprised by this, a betrayal. Grogar's curled horns glow yellow as he goes to reach for his bell with his magic...

"What!?" Grogar furiously looked down, seeing his bell is missing from his collar. He briefly glances behind him and sees the bell in Void Steve's right hand. He had sneakily taken it off of him.

With no other option other than to fight back, Grogar charges towards the First Curse, intending to ram him. But the First Curse simply steps aside. Grogar misses, and falls off the top of the mountain.

"Pathetic," The First Curse scoffed. Then a powerful blast wave shakes the entire mountain, making the First Curse lose his blance, forcing him as well as Void Steve fly up. In front of them, Grogar reappears in his black smoky form. As the First Curse and Grogar confront each other, Void Steve teleports away with the bell.

"Don't think I'd let you win so easily! If I can't take what you have, then no one can have it! I shall destroy it along with the rest of you!" Grogar roared back, as his form manifests into the shape of a sword, and flies straight for the First Curse, who summons a pillar of crying and regular obsidian, which shatters, but briefly stops Grogar.

"You do not understand what I'm after. You do not understand my power. You do not understand... how underwhelming your power is when compared against mine," The First Curse uses this opportunity to summon lightning and teleport away.

"That's you're power? Fleeing!?" Grogar sniggered as he turns himself back into his normal, physical form, landing on all 4 hooves. He is looking all around, and grins, thinking he forced the First Curse to flee.

"Oh... you think that's all I can do? No, you haven't seen anything yet" The First Curse scoffed as the clouds get darker, the surroundings became foggy, and it begins raining, which almost immediately became snow, then almost immediately into solid hail. Several lightning strikes summon in the place every individual piece of hail lands.

Grogar's horns glow yellow again and creates a shield around himself. But he then hears lightning summon behind him. He immediately turns around and blindly charges forward, keeping hisnmagical shield up. He sees it's Void Steve, and continues charging forward. Void Steve immediately reaches for the bell to take Grogar's magic, but before he could...


"AGH!" Void Steve gets sent flying, and barely gets sent off the edge of the mountain's top. Grogar sees Void Steve has dropped the bell and imstantly rushes for it.

"That is mine," Grogar snarled as he snatches up the bell and reattaches it to his collar. He then uses his magic to activate the bell, but a giant ball of crying and regular obsidian gets summoned right in front of him, stopping him from taking any stolen magic in Void Steve.

Grogar has the bell. He really shouldn't of retrieved it as luckily easy as that. With the bell finally back in his possession, he uses his magic to turn himself into smoke and disappears, fleeing the fight. He flees at just the moment lightning began to be summoned where he was. The First Curse appears right on the spot with his right fist on the ground. He intended to completely destroy Grogar on the spot.

"Pity... I would've loved to have taken your energy too," The First Curse huffed, shrugging his shoulders. Meanwhile, Void Steve gets up and dusts himself with both hands as he heads over to his master.

"He... he got the bell," Void Steve stammered in fear of the First Curse, who just shrugs his shoulders.

"Let him be, he has his own volition to fulfill. He hasn't noticed, that he has been cursed since we first met. Any energy he has stolen and later steals, I will also gain. He will still be serving me without even knowing," The First Curse calmly responded. He doesn't care that Grogar escaped with the bell. Grogar is still somewhat useful in that aspect. It would've just been easier to have taken his power, that's all.

"What should I do now? What's our next objective?" Void Steve inquired.

"You will be rewarded for your loyalty. Look at this armour here," The First Curse replied as he red armour walks over to stand next to him.

"The armour here, was made to take in steves, not equines. I have granted you with equine magic for a purpose. With you in the armour, the stolen equine magic in you will allow the armour to absorb almost anyone," The First Curse begins explaining.

"From inside, you shall be the guardian of this armour. Your purpose to me is eternal. You will be spared for as long as you serve me, and me only. Don't even think of betraying me, as you are only able to exist with me. Betray me, I'll cut you off and you will truly cease to exist," The First Curse finished explaining, with a harsh warning at the end.

"I will not betray you," Void Steve fearfully reassured, kneeling to the First Curse, who nods to him.

"Now, walk into this armour here. You won't be frozen in place like the others inside it. You will be unaffected," The First Curse reassured. Void Steve stands in front of the armour, then walks into it, disappearing with a few lightning strikes as he enters the armour's pocket dimension.

"Ahhhh... everything is beginning to fall into place. Soon, everything that was meant to of happened, will happen, and I will win. I habe been waiting ages, I will not let anyone stop me! Never..." The First Curse vowed to himself. Origin Steve is gone. The supposed heroes appear to have given up. With Grogar out of the picture and soon to be above Discord, there is practically nothing in the First Curse's way.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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