What Does The First Curse Know?

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Sabre, Time Steve and Applejack are now outside the home of the First Curse. They patiently wait outside, between the 2 bent tree stumps.

"First Curse, you got some things ta explain!" Applejack yelled. Out of the dark interior, a pair of glowing purple eyes emerges.

"Welcome, you three," The First Curse responded, stepping outward, his whole appearance now being visible.

"Hey," Sabre responded back.

"How you doing?" Time Steve asked.

"I'm absolutely fineI've regained my strength from the events caused by Madness Steve. How polite of you to ask," The First Curse replied.

"Do you know about this creature, four legs and two curled horns?" Applejack asked the First Curse.

"Have I sensed such creature here? No... I sensed no such creature..." The First Curse replied. Applejack pays full attention to the the way the First Curse spoke.

"Ya sure there First Curse? I can tell when somebody's lying. I'll ask again, do ya know about this creature?"

"What is the meaning of this questionApplejack?" The First Curse questioned. He looks at Time Steve as he walks to him, but keeping a distance of a few blocks.

"Me and Elemental, we saw a creature here literally last night."

"No... nothing... was in this land, other than me. Other than that, nothing was here," The First Curse stated.

"I mean- We did not see you and 'it' come up on my TV thing, so I guess we were just hallucinating after all?" Time Steve asked.

"Perhaps, perhaps it was," The First Curse replied.

"It sounds like yer hiding somethin' there," Applejack responded.

"I hide... nothingApplejackabsolutely nothing..." The First Curse responded back, saying 'nothing' very slowly. Whilst doing so, he glares at Applejack, who is also glaring back at him.

"You are so hiding something..." Applejack frowned and quietly muttered to herself whilst still glaring at the First Curse. She has a strong grudge the First Curse knows something about this creature.

"And you are a nuisance..." The First Curse thought to himself. He could read into Applejack's mind. The First Curse then looks back at Sabre as he starts talking to him.

"Time and Elemental said they were here last night, and they said they saw you with this creature- It glowed yellow or something like that. We just came to you, First Curse, if you know anything about it. I mean, you're pretty wise, so we thought we come and ask you. Sorry that we just came in and asked you loads of questions, we just wanted to know more about this creature."

"I've seen no creature here... Sabre, I sensed... nothingNothing... ever approaches this place... nothing approaches upon this land... without consequences..." The First Curse replied.

"What do yer mean? Are you threatenin' us?" Applejack again questioned, very slowly walking to the First Curse, who is looking at Applejack, straight into her eyes. Both exchanged looks, and the orange earth pony continues walking closer.

"Applejack, stay back, you may not be a steve, but you can still get cursed by making the slightest of contact," Sabre said as he gets in the way of Applejack. The orange earth pony simply walks around Sabre, and continues walking to the First Curse ever so slightly.

"Uh... Applejack- Hey, don't ignore me! You can get cursed!" Sabre exclaimed. But Applejack still continues slowly walking to the First Curse.

"What Sabre says is trueApplejack, best to step back now. I don't even need to do anything," The First Curse added onto Sabre. Applejack continues to get closer, inch by inch, but the First Curse doesn't move. He continues to look at Applejack. The First Curse's eyes shot out a glow of purple whilst still looking at Applejack. He continues to stand still while Applejack continues to walk towards him.

"Okay we're done here, let's go- Bye," Time Steve said as he summons lightning, teleporting himself, Sabre and Applejack back.
"TWILIGHT! WE HAVE A MAJOR PROBLEM!" Light Steve came in screaming, bursting through the doors into the throne room with Shining Armour.

"Light and Shining, what's wrong?" Twilight asked, hovering over to Light Steve and Shining Armour. Twilight is panicking on the inside, but on the outside, she remains strong.

"We're being invaded as we speak," Shining Armour responded with a bit more professionalism. Twilight shook slightly, but she stops herself.

"We're being invaded!? By what!?" Spike exclaimed.

"We can't say what they are," Shining Armour replied.

"Why not?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

"Have the trio broke out of their stone imprisonment?" Twilight thought to herself, gulping as she dared to think of such event. It is possible that Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow could be freed, but someone would have to do it for them, which no one is foolish to do so. Other than that, Twilight can't think of anything else it could be.

"Has all of Tartarus broke out?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I rather all of Tartarus had broke out than facing what we're being invaded by," Shining Armour answered. That does not help Twilight's anxiety whatsoever. That just made her panic on the inside even more.

"Why can't you just tell us what they are?" Discord asked.

"We... we- We just can't. The steves have fought them before though," Light Steve answered. Twilight let's out a quiet sigh. At least whatever the new enemy is, the steves have some knowledge of them.

Lightning began striking, which Sabre, Time Steve and Applejack appear after the lightning died away.

"The First Curse was vague. He didn't give any answers," Sabre simply put it.

"Sabre... they're back... I don't know how, but... the things... it's happening..." Light Steve panted, most of his breath taken away from the screaming.

"Uh, who or what is back, Light? This better be a prank!" Sabre questioned.

"The way Light came in before you showed up... it- It don't seem like it is, it sounds serious," Rainbow Dash stated. Lightning began striking, and then Elemental Steve appears.

"Sorry Twilight that I just left the school, but I'm sensing energy signatures in the overworld. I let my mentors know and they had agreed to let me go. The whole school right now just went into lockdown," Elemental Steve explained, looking over to Twilight.

"Elemental, do you know where those energy signatures are coming from then?" Sabre asked.

"Yes, and you won't like the answer," Elemental Steve replied. Everyone had their guesses, apart from Light Steve and Shining Armour, they already know what is causing the situation.

"Those energy signatures are connected to the world be-" As Elemental Steve starts to explain... FVORP!
"Elemental, do you know where those energy signatures are coming from then?" Sabre asked.

"Something just- Something just warped reality!" Elemental Steve exclaimed.

"Wh... what?" Time Steve stuttered

"Elemental, I noticed the reality being warped too," Discord said to Elemental Steve. When reality got warped, Discord immediately caught onto what is going on.

"As I was saying..." Elemental Steve tries to explain again.

"It's the De-" FVORP!
"Elemental, do you know where those energy signatures are coming from then?" Sabre asked.

"Elemental, STOP!" Discord shouted.

"Whenever you try to speak of them, this will happen!"

"Speak of what, Discord? Elemental hasn't even said anything," Sabre responded.

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