The One Behind It All Is...

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"Sabre, Time, Elemental and- ah! Colle and Genesis! Well... we meet again, for the last time..."

"Void? No..." Sabre gasped in disbelief. He can't believe that this steve is even here.

"How are you back, huh!? You were destroyed in your Blue Steve state! You shouldn't be back, Blue Steves can't come back when destroyed right... at least I don't think..."

"When Time reversed my state back in time, and not only did I keep my powers as a Demon Steve, I regained the powers of a Blue Steve. Using the powers revolving around spirits, my spirit left my body before I was destroyed along with my body. Using the powers of a demon, I warped and caused a crack in reality, and my spirit fell through it, taking me to this moment in time, and manifested into my current form. For as long as my connection to the Curserer exists, you can't destroy me," Void Steve explained, cackling as he talked.

"You once fought against the Demon Steves, and you joined them!? I'm surprised at how far you've fallen," Colle wept, remembering that Void Steve was once a very long time ago was Seer.

"You fought against the Demons Steves, then made the darkness, then you joined the demons and now you're connected to this Curser- wait, the Curserer!? No no no no no no!" Sabre exclaimed. He has pieced it together, and has a strong feeling on who's behind everything.

"Yes... he was never on your side. Surprised?" Void Steve teasingly said.

"Who!? Who are you talking about Void!?" Twilight yelled at Void Steve, frowning at him.

"It doesn't matter, because you'll be destroyed. Discord was easy to contain, he won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Same for the Pillars, they've been captured too. But with you lot, I have some scores to settle," Void Steve cackled as he hovers higher up.

"I think this is a good time to run!" Colle exclaimed. Time Steve, Genesis Steve and Twilight engages in a fight against Void Steve, giving Sabre and Colle time to run.

"Sabre, Colle, just run!" Time Steve cried. Reluctantly, Sabre and Colle began to run.
Almost everybody had left the house and the Steve Village. Only Light Steve, Dark Steve, Elemental Steve, Dream Steve, the remaining mane 6, Starlight, Spike, Derpy, Doctor Whooves and the CMC have stayed.

"I am feeling a distress single coming from Time," Said Elemental Steve.

"What is it?" Light Steve questioned.

"It's something bad, like, really bad," Elemental Steve replied.

"What were the names of the eight apples?" Pinkie Pie asked Applejack.

"Chaotic, Unbreakable, Repulsive, Strength, Energy, Return, Enchanter and Reject," Applejack answered.

"Where are you going with this darling?" Rarity raised an eyebrow.

"Oh my gosh! PAY ATTENTION to the first letters! Chaotic, Unbreakable, Repulsive, Strength, Energy, Return, Enchanter and Reject! AJ has been trying to warn us THE WHOLE TIME! C, U, R, S, E, R, E, R! CURSERER!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed so loud, she exhaustes all the air out of her lungs and faints, dropping to the floor. Dream Steve understood what Pinkie Pie is saying.

"The First Enemy is behind all of this. He was the one who's caused all of this," Dream Steve explained it in simple terms.
Sabre and Colle continue running. Time Steve, Genesis Steve and Twilight are holding Void Steve back, but they're struggling. The whole area is a mess. Balls of grass, green leaves and dirt, balls of normal and crying obsidian, littered holes and fires are all over the place.

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