What Happened To Applejack?

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"Please clarify!" Time Steve demanded.

"AJ was feeling real sleepy, and now is yelling about apple spirits and cider barrels in the sky!"

"Apple Bloom, take us to Applejack. We need to go figure this out. This sounds super important," Sabre requested. Apple Bloom starts pulling Sabre's hand, dragging him to the point where they are almost jogging, with Time Steve following close behind.

"How bad has she lost it, Apple Bloom?" Time Steve asked.

"She's lost the blooming plot!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. She then stops dragging Sabre as the 3 are now in front of the baron's door dark red doors with a slight violet touch and white edges around them. Sabre and Time Steve opens the doors, and they see Applejack, surrounded by 8 apples.

"Oh- Applejack... are you... okay? Why are you surrounded by apples?" Sabre slowly asked.

"Yer stay awah fom ma appawls or eh genna twist ye like a wheel!" Applejack snapped, almost whacking Sabre, who moves back just in time.

"Okay, something definitely happened here, but what? Come on Sabre, think..."

"AJ, how are your apple friends doing?" Granny Smith came in, a bright lime coloured earth pony with wrinkles, and a white combed mane and tail, with the tail being rather short. The cutie mark on Granny Smith is an apple pie. She's also alarmed by Applejack's behaviour, she is trying to play along until the real situation could be dealt with.

"They doin' good ol' lady, but soon the big red stallon gonna com back n stomp on em! I will fight ardar than he can knack a hole in da wall for deez appawls!" Applejack replied, raising the pitch in her voice.

"What could be happening here- OH- Time, go get Green Steve, the one outside the Steve Village- Go get him, now!" Sabre demanded. Time Steve nodded as he silently teleports, to avoid accidently burning the roof.

"Sometimes I see thee barrawls rain frhesh appawl cidar and then ah lil brown twig trip meh up and ai see tha appawl spirits."

"She's just gone completely nuts! This can't be her alone that's causing her to go mental- I don't know what the hay is wrong with her!" Granny Smith exclaimed as she explains to Sabre the situation. Apple Bloom weeps, worried for her big sister. Granny Smith pulls her in for a hug. Time Steve then reappears, with a Green Steve wearing a turtle helmet. But he also brought a Violet Steve wearing a purple helmet.

"He wasn't home, so I had to grab the leader. He also told me to get Violet too."

"Hello, what is the issue?" The Green Leader politely asked.

"Well, Applejack lost her mind and we think something, or someone has done something. Time came to you two as the Green and Violet Steves do focus on health and that. Can either of you do anything about it?" Sabre explained.

"Hmm, let me have a look," Said the Violet Leader, walking to Applejack.

"Don't touch mah appawls or y'all be spinnin' well 'ard like a windmill yer nutty!" Applejack yelled, but the Violet Leader remains unfazed. He strikes a single lightning on Applejack.

"I can definitely say something happened, but I don't know how to put it."

"I might be able to see what it could be." The Green Leader walks up to Applejack and strikes a single lightning.

"I can definitely detect something on her," The Green Leader explained.

"An enchantment of sorts is placed within her, but I don't know how to put it."

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