Chapter 2: Tyler

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I rush to my bed as soon as we enter the dorm. Tears are about to fall out of my eyes. I can't believe I have to deal with that monster again. Tyler is a living nightmare. But what's worse than him- if that's even possible, is his father. They are "reformed" death eaters. Like Snape I suppose. Tyler and his father were well known people at my old school, Tyler being a student and his father a respected professor.  

Somehow, the school has been stupid enough to excuse the fact that I, a Potter, would be going to school with two supposedly ex death eaters. Long story short, they hate me. I hate them too. However, at first I didn't. I was a bit more bubbly and extroverted, but that's what bullying does. Slowly, small teases from Tyler turned into bullying, which turned to physical fights, and then complete torture. It is no secret to me that Tyler and his father HATED me. They experimented their made up spells on me for "humiliating" their lord. It's not like I could complain either. Tyler's father was really well respected at the school by students and staff. Two and a half years of this changed me and my personality. That was until 6 months ago, Tyler supposedly left. Without Tyler, his father somehow became "merciful." But I still despise him for it.  

I was a good dueler at my school. One of the best. Better than Tyler even. But the sight of him and his father makes me freeze up and panic beyond control. And now I may have to face the same thing again. 

I'm not putting myself through that again... He's going to pay. Although I know I'm just humoring myself. I have told myself this many times and have never not been afraid. But I've beat Tyler in a duel before, I can do it again if need be.

The next day.... 

Ron and I are walking out of Charms class, which is ridiculously easy. 

They're seriously learning this right now?? Guess it'll be review .

Ron walks off to talk to someone and I end up walking to herbology myself. 

As I turn the corner, I see Tyler and I immediately widen my eyes and try to walk the other direction. You might think I'm being overdramatic but like... tRaUmA bitches.  

"Hey." I hear Tyler's smug and taunting voice. 

I stop and turn around. 

Come on you can do this. 

"Tyler! It's been a while. What did I do to deserve the displeasure of meeting you again? Well I don't have time nor do I want to chat, so I'll just be heading to herbology. Bye!" 

I start walking past him thinking: That could've gone wayyyy better. Why did I have to embarrass myself like that? 

That idiot grabs my wrist and pulls me in front of him.  

"You did fantastic in our last duel. Fancy another one?" He smirks. 

My shield of prowess broke. "Who do you think you are? I faced ENOUGH of you and your father's torment. Plus, you can't do that here anymore. I actually have people who care about me and that I care about too. And they are really powerful. Imagine having to handle two of me." I spit out the words, it feels good to get it out, but I know this isn't half of everything I need to say. 

"Oooh, feisty, I like this new version of you, it'll be fun. Guess you should be hopping to your class.  But know this-I won't leave you alone, you may have temporarily escaped, but you'll never be off the hook for what you did." With that, he pushes me off and I quickly speed walk to class, trying to hold in my tears. No matter how much I try to hide it, his words scare me. There's no denying he has a way with words.  

As I'm walking I don't notice that I walk into someone. 

"Watch it kid!" I look up and see the same brown hair brown eyed dude from before. He seems to recognize me too as his face of annoyance is quickly replaced with a smirk.  

My sadness is temporarily replaced with annoyance. 

"Sorry." I reply coldly. 

"No problem." He states simply, walking away. 

Thanks for reading guys! What do you think of Tyler? What do you think is gonna happen to Snow? What do you think of the mystery kid? 

Vote if you feel like! 

Word Count: 783

Hate the Feeling; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now