Chapter 18: STFU

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**This is gonna be a big jump because it's been two weeks since the last chapter happened, and by the way, ik the last chapter sucked, but just pretend it never existed**  

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yell! 

"I mean, I'm not lying you, really were like that. You were throwing a hissy fit under the influence of beer... oh the tragedy." 

"Shut up Riddle before I give you something to throw a hissy fit about."  

"I'd like to see you try." 

Two weeks. It's been two weeks since Mattheo yelled at me. oH tHe tRagEdY in his words. It's funny however because he was right. He can be funny when he's not trying to be a degrading, condescending, dickhead.  

"Is big brother finally talking to you again?" He refuses to call Harry what he is... Harry. I think he's being ridiculous to be honest. 

"You realize he has a name?" 

"Doesn't mean I'm gonna use it." 

"Fine. Incompetent manchild." I mutter this under my breath, loudly enough that he heard it though. 

"What was that sweetheart?"  

"I don't know?" I smirk, something I've picked up for a certain Slytherin. " And yes, we're talking again, because that is what MATURE people do, they talk things through."  

He rolls his eyes as he grabs a book from the bookshelf. 

"Is that ALL you ever do? Grab a random book that will never be of use to you, and read it?" 

"Got a problem with where my attention is sweetheart? I could always just.... redirect is somewhere else..." He teases whispering and getting closer to my ear as he says so. I've learned that this is quite normal for him to do, but I can't deny the fact that I get butterflies everytime he does so. It's nothing like that if that's what you're thinking, it's just you can't help it. Besides, I'd be lying if I said he wasn't hot.   

He seemed to understand and gave another of his smirks before returning to the books. 

"Sorry, my standards aren't that low."  

"Sure." He was clearly zoning out but he still had that smirk on his face. 

Is it just me or did I just feel burning on my cheeks. OH HELL NO! 

I turn around and sip my water slowly until I feel it's safe to turn around. WTF that is NOT smooth, AT ALL!  

When I turn around I'm greeted with Mattheo's face that is about to burst into laughter. Fuck. STFU I think. 


"The view, although it could be a bit better. " 

"Oh shut up with those cheesy ass comments." I shove him on my way out of this certain library and make it to another section.  

"You know what, let's talk about your cringy speech. 'IT IS YOUR FAULT!'" I try to imitate Mattheo's voice. 

He bursts out laughing. 

"No seriously, do you realize how cringy you sounded at that given moment?"  

"Yup, not one of my smoothest moments. But it worked didn't it?" 

"Yeah , yeah, sure." 

"Big brother's making his way here, see ya." 

I turn around just in time to see Harry turn the corner.  

"SNOW! There you are." 

"What's up Harry?"  

" George and Fred want to celebrate their friend's birthday when we go to Hogsmeade this weekend. You feel like coming?" 

"Obviously, especially if Fred and George are holding it." 

"Good, see you later Snow." 


As I turn around I'm greeted in a not very polite way. 


"UGH. Tyler." 

"Aww you sound like you're very disturbed to see me." 

"Annoyed is the better word."  

" Oh come on, after the drugs, and heart to heart, I'd think you'd be a bit nicer to your childhood friend." 

"TYLER! Look, I was being stupid a few weeks ago, so just forget about it. Nothing between us has changed except for my increasing hate for you."  

"Not very nice Potter. I'd be careful bout what I say if I were you."  He waves a goodbye with an innocent smile on his face before leaving.  

"BASTARD!" I scream after him but he's already out of sight.   



I flinch and turn around at the husky voice that was whispered in my ear. 

"Seriously? Sneaking up on someone? Not cool dude." 

"My bad sweetheart."  

"I know you don't feel sorry." 

"Right, thanks for the reminder of my lovely personality." 

"Lovely is a bit of a stretch." 

"Mhm." He hums and it's annoying since it's tickling my ear. 

"Ay don't do that." 

"Why? Is it distracting sweetheart?" He was giving that innocent look of his. 

I roll my eyes and walk to Transfiguration. 

Thanks for reading! It's short but sweet I think. Please vote, it helps a lot! 

Word count: 798

Hate the Feeling; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now