Chapter 41: Last Day

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(In the movie, before the champions enter the third task, they are told the may lose themselves or whatever, I am going to make it so they are told earlier, so if you're confused, now you know) 

"GOD DAMNIT I can't get this stupid spell!" Harry directed is wand at the wood block once again, but still failed. 

"Nice going Potter. Me and my friends made a deal, we don't think you're gonna last 5 minutes in the last task." 

"Shove off Malfoy," I scoff at him. 

His entire crowd oohs catcalls before leaving, still snickering. They are fucking idiots. I feel my hand twitching around my wand. 

"Snow, don't even think about it," Ron warns. 

I ignore him and point my wand at them. I don't cast a spell though. 

"You gonna do something or...."  

"You sound real excited Harry." 

"Obviously I am." He laughs, anticipating for me to do something. 

When they reach the stone stairs, I finally cast the spell. 

"Glisseo!" The stairs give away from underneath them and they slide down and land on the faces and arses.  

Everyone who was paying attention laughs so hard. Draco looks redder than Harry when he talks to Cho. 

Before he can do anything he notices Moody walking across the courtyard. He backs away and leads his group out. Guess he doesn't wanna become a ferret again. 

But of course, Hermione has to come to ruin all the fun. "Real mature Snow."  

"Oh please Hermione, you just wish you had the courage to do it yourself." 

"Uch. Absolutely BARBARIC!" 

"You really love that word don't you?" 

"ENOUGH SNOW! Help me with this spell will you?" 

The spell he needed help with was the Diffindo spell, which causes cuts and stuff. 

"FOR THE LAST TIME. You need to have the image in your mind, you need to keep it precise and stuff. Think of how big, precise, and deep you want the cut to be. If you can't even do it on wood, I've no idea how you're going to do it on creatures. 

He scoffs on points is wand at the object again. "DIFFINDO!"  

Still nothing. God, he's hopeless.  "God, just have Hermione help you. CLEARLY your pea brain can't comprehend actual advice. Hermione, do give my brother advice as if he's a fucking baby." I scoff and end up leaving. Sometimes I wonder whether or not he really is the older sibling.  

When I enter the hallways I'm surprised to be greeted by Mcgonagall. 

"Professor, I-" 

"Oh dear, glad I ran into you, let's go find your brother, do you know where he is?" 

"He's in the courtyard I-" 

"Good good, follow me." She sounded like she was in a rush and she ushered me ahead of her as we made it to the courtyard. 

"Back so soon Snow? Well isn't that just, oh-" Harry noticed Mcgonagall standing behind me. 

"Mr.Potter, do come with me." Me and Harry give each other questioning looks and follow her into Dumbledore's office. 

When we enter, we see all the other champions sitting there, waiting anxiously. Fleur's face looks paler than normal, Krum keeps his composure, and Cedric was bouncing his leg up and down in anxiety. 

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