Chapter 20: Six Feet Tall and Super Strong(Kind of)

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I was kicking in bed and silently screaming into my pillow. I couldn't believe it. The teenage girl in me came out as I started thinking about the cologne. 

Who even wears cologne at midnight? Someone who has someone to impress, THAT'S WHO!  I was acting like a ridiculous, hormonal teenager, but to be fair, I'm only 15 so..... 

I don't know much about this so I decided to talk to the one person who probably does.

"Ginny." I try to whisper softly, as I make my way to her bed. She wakes up rather quickly. 

"What is it." She sounded groggy as she rubbed her eyes and sat up. 

"Ok.... fine.. one word... boys." 

"Oh this I got to hear." 

"Ok... listen to this. Boys usually wear cologne.... right? But when they have showered and everything and are about to go to sleep, or sneak out to meet a friend, a friend of the opposite gender... they don't do that. Right?" 

"Ohhh I see. Well it really depends on the guy. Does he have to try hard to get girls attention?" 

I think about that for a moment. No. He's hot, he's a Riddle, he's tall, I don't see how it would be difficult. I shake my head no.   

"Is he gay." 

"Uh.......... probably not?" I was flustered by the question.   

"Well I'd say he just did it subconsciously to impress you or just to feel better about himself when going out with a girl." 

"But you see, we aren't going out, we're just kinda, casual friends."  

"Oh right, a Riddle and Potter, casual friends that hang out everyday at the astronomy tower at night time... casual friends."  

"How... how do you know it's Riddle?" 

"I know lots of things. But anyways. I ship. I see it." 

"Aren't you with Harry and those people." 

"I don't know, maybe I'm too tired to be talking sense. Well if that's all I'm gonna head to bed."

"Right... sorry for waking you up and... thanks Ginny." 

"Mhm." She barely mumbles before she falls back to sleep. 

I was feeling euphorical. I honestly wouldn't mind Riddle now that I think about it. But then I also thought how I wouldn't mind another guy either. It'd only be too easy to find one who is willing to fall heads over heels for me to be honest. But still, these new thoughts that Ginny gave me really bursted my excitement tenfold. Always good to have options.   

But then I think again. Suddenly I feel gross. I could never really date him. It would feel weird. It would be a fling, at the most. 

"UGHHHHHHH!" I scream into my pillow before Ginny throws something at me. 

"Shut up PLEASE! Some of us are trying to sleep." 

In the morning.... 

It's too fucking early for this. I just bumped into a random ass man's chest and now he's asking for directions. I was pissed off until I looked up at his face. Oh wow. I remember joking with Harry on my birthday, saying I wanted a hot, tall Ravenclaw with gray eyes, and here they are. 

He has gray eyes, curly brown hair, defined jawline, full pink lips, about 5'11, and his robes suggest he's a Ravenclaw.  

I'm still pissed. 

"Uhm... hello?" 

"Oh right sorry." My cheeks immediately heat up, I completely embarrassed myself. 

Hate the Feeling; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now