Chapter 7: The Duel and 1st Task

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I was in my dorm reading a book. Or more like staring at it. I was feeling extremely guilty even though I just asked him for homework help. I was trying to get him to warm up to me.  

"So did he say anything?" Hermione asked. 

"No, I can't really ask directly. He's gotta warm up to me a bit first." I feel tired. Honestly, I don't have too much energy. I don't even want to get up for class. 

"Come on, get up!" Hermione urged. 

I finally got up and headed to class. 

When we entered DADA, I was surprised to see a bunch of 5th years there.  

"Fourth years. These are fifth years. I've mentioned before that I prefer a practical approach to learning. Well here it is. The chances of you fighting an opponent who's weaker than you is practically impossible. So the fifth years here were kind enough to volunteer." 

"He's gone mad." Ron whined. "Does he want us to die." 

"Sometimes I get the feeling he does." Harry comments.  

"Ok... Let's have..." 

Mattheo gives Moody a glare. 

"Uhm, let's have Snow Potter and Mattheo Riddle eh?" 

Murmers instantly spread throughout the room.  

"She's gonna die." I heard. 

To be honest, I was a bit scared. But he can't know that. 

"Good luck sweetheart." he smirked. 

I wanna wipe that handso- I mean stupid grin off of his face.  

"LEVICORPUS!" He shoots out. 

"What a basic spell!" I say while casually blocking it. 

" Wouldn't want to ruin your pretty hair now would we Snow?" 

" INCARCEROUS!" I shout out. 

"What were you saying about basic spells?" he questioned why blocking it.  

We both kept on firing many spells. It became obvious to me that most spells that I use, he would be able to block, I know one ancient spell but I can't exactly use that here. So instead I decide to do something else... 

I create an illusion spell, casting out a big spider. 

His eyes filled with fear but he tried to compose himself. 

"What? A Riddle and you're scared of a spider?" 

He tries to weaken the spider, but it doesn't work because SURPRISE SURPRISE! It's an illusion. 

I start making the illusion move forward towards Mattheo. He keeps his wand up but tries to step back. Tho he's trying to hide it, it's obvious he's scared from my perspective.  

"Snow, that's enough.." Moody warns. 

Suddenly I force the spider to CHARGE at Mattheo. Mattheo tries to cover his face only to find nothing. The spider vanishes into thin air. 

"What the..." 


His wand flies out, making me victorious. 

Cheers and claps scounder the room. I hear Ron and Harry whistle. Mattheo looks at me like he's pissed off.   

"Well done Snow. Yes yes, next pair... Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy." 


"So the first task is tomorrow.... I can't believe that it's going to be dragons. UGH!!!!" I scream into my pillow. 

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