Chapter 30: Actions Speak Louder than Words

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The next day was a perfect day for the return of everyone from Christmas break. It was a rainy, gray day, yet it felt perfect. The little raindrops chasing each other were a fascinating sight to see on the window near my bed. I heard loud thumps and commotion outside in the common room. I leaned over the stairs and saw all the Gryffindors storming in, INCLUDING MY FRIENDS! 

"HARRY!" I yelled in excitement and rushed downstairs. I hugged Harry before giving attention to Hermione, Ron, and Ginny. "How are you guys! Did you have a good time?" 

"We did! You should've been there! God, are you ok? I was so worried!" Harry embraced me one again while setting down his bags. " My heart DROPPED when I read your letter. That stupid bastard Loren, how are you doing though?" 

"Uhm. I mean it's kinda tough, but I'm doing better. The bruises are kinda starting to fade. Anyways, let's go do something stupid, I do not want to have to face reality AGAIN tomorrow when we start classes again." I was feeling adventurous, and I wanted to do something stupid that I will regret later on. Weird right? 

"Also, Harry, before the guilt eats me away.... I should tell you I slept with Mattheo-" I quickly realize I could've worded that WAY better. 


"NO NONO NNONONOO! Not that like! I didn't mean it like that! I mean, like... after that thing happened, he was there to comfort me and shit and you know, he stopped me from doing something stupid. And I just kinda stayed in his dorm for ONE night cause I was scared and all."  

"Oh thank god, I thought you meant... well you know. But even so, staying his dorm? Are you sure about that I mean..." 

"Look Harry, he's not a bad person. Trust me. I know."  

"Fine. What stupid thing do you want to do now?" 

"Uh.... Forbidden Forest?" I was sounding hopeful. 

"No, it's dangerous, stupid-" 

"Which is the goal," I cut him off. 

He rolled his eyes. "AND it's rainy." 

"UGH! You're so boring. Anyways, see ya."  

Since Hermione, Ron, and Harry are apparently goody two shoes, I make my way to Ginny and tell her all the tea between me and Mattheo and what has happened. 

"I TOLD YOU HE LIKES YOU! Oh my gosh, you're finally getting some action in your life!" 

"SHUT UP GINNY! What should I do now?" 

"Guys usually make the first move eventually, don't do too much, wait for him to do it, the results are best this way." 

"Huh. If he asks me on a date or whatever, what should we talk about?" 

"Since you already know each other, you can skip the whole what are you goals and those shitty questions and skip straight to the juicy stuff." 

"Wha- GINNY! NO! I'm not doing that!" 

"I bet you want to though!" She teases while poking me in the arm. 

"Oh heck no. Change of topic!" 

"Fine fine." 

"I got in a fight with Pansy.... and I won!" 

"BITCH LET'S GO! I had no idea you had a history of fighting?" 

"Kinda did at my old school, mostly dumb jocks and girls." 

"Interesting. Also, I left a concealer here, have you seen it anywhere?" 

"Ginny, let's talk about that later...." 

"OH HELL NO! Give it back, now!" 

"Why? Got a few love marks to cover up?" I take the concealer out of my pocket and tease her by holding it in the air. 

"GIVE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!" She reaches up for it but I'm taller and I wave it over her teasingly. She quickly snatches it after a few attempts. 

"You win Ginny. The only question is... is it Dean or Seamus giving you the marks?" 

"Go die in a ditch, now." She rolls her eyes and walks out.  

I leave soon afterwards and make my way out of the dorms. It was visibly raining outside. Lots of people were actually in the rain and enjoying it. Some were making out in the trees, others were jumping around. I'll admit, the fresh, rainy earthly smell was really pleasant and the cool feel of air was amazing, and I felt like going outside. Oh fuck it, Imma go outside. 

I ran outside and everyone was enjoying the rain, and it felt amazing as it splattered all over my face. I stayed still and just kinda paced around with a big, goofy smile on my face. I hear splashes behind me and turn around to see Mattheo with a happy smile on his face. 

"Oh. Hi Mattheo." I didn't want this to turn awkward. 

"What's got you all cheerful?" 

"THE RAIN! It's so amazing! It never rains like this in New York." 

"Huh." He doesn't say anything after that, but he just kind of watches. 

"Creepy much Riddle? Take a picture, it'll last longer." 

His cheeks flushed a rose kind of red. 

"AH did I just make a Riddle blush? Aren't you sweet?" I teased him by getting on my tippy toes to pinch his cheeks. 

He seemed even more flustered and tried to control his facial expression as much as he could. I'll admit, it was amazing to see what effect I had on him, considering my feelings for him. My expression suddenly changed as I realized I just admitted I had feeling for him to myself. I mean I already kind of knew, but I really did admit them to myself this time. The realization hit me and I think it hit Mattheo too as his face morphed into another feeling.  

"Uh- Sorry that was stupid of me I-" Before I could continue, a shake of Mattheo's head told me I should not speak. "But-" 

"No I uh. I don't know how to put what I'm feeling into words I- It's just so stupid I don't-" 

He looked frustrated, as he couldn't find a way to express his feelings. I understood what it felt like. Yet for the first time in a while, I felt brave, as if I was ready to take the next step with him. Even if it meant losing my best friend, losing my comfort. 

I stepped closer to him, almost chest to chest. His breath hitched as he looked down at me in confusion. I drew small circles on his shoulder blade and I felt him tremble underneath. I gave a small smile. 

"Then show me," I whispered. 

His eyes widened. I was taken by surprise when his arm snaked around my waist and pulled me up to him. 

Our lips connect, erupting an unfamiliar but amazing feeling all throughout my body. I can feel the desperation, passion and love all in this one action from Mattheo. I'm standing on my toes as I wrap my arms around his neck. One of his arms snake up to the sides of neck and the other around my waist. I hear a small whimper out of him. 

"Damn Riddle, desperate much?" 

"Shut up." He turned me around and gently pushed me to a tree as he continued gently yet passionately attacking my lips.  

He pulls away after a full seconds and looks down as if he's embarrassed, but he slightly chuckles as he rubs his thumb along my chin. 

No words are said, they don't need to be, we both understand each other, and what this means. 

Thanks for reading! I'm sorry that the first kiss is kinda sucky because I don't write good stuff like this lol...... But if you can PLEASE comment and give me advice I'd LOVE that. So please, if ur gonna vote, pls comment suggestions!!!!! 

Word count: 1283

Hate the Feeling; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now