Chapter 27: Bad News

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TW: Abuse

I immediately stepped out and backed off into the corner. He had a smirk on his face.

"What are you talking about?" I stuttered so severely. The betrayal I was feeling right now was killing me inside. I was scared,trapped in a corner in the astronomy tower. If I wasn't trembling right now I would've reached for my wand. MY WAND! I suddenly remember I brought my wand with me. I swifty reach into both of my pockets for it, but panic when I don't feel it. Oh shit shit shit shit.

"Looking for this?" He holds up a wand, MY WAND!

"Loren.... please... just... just go. I'll pretend nothing happened, I'll ignore you... I don't care, just please go." I was so scared. Now that I know Loren's true colors, I didn't trust him, in fact, I feared him. So much to the point where I was cowering the corner. There was no point in running. He's stronger than me physically so even if I wanted to run away or fight him off, I wouldn't be able too.  If I had my fucking wand I wouldn't even have to think.

The herbs were still laying in their original hiding spot. Now that I knew what they could do, there was no way I could let him get his hands on it.

"Hmm... I mean, I don't like standing here. Wasting my time. But here I am. You know what I want. It would be great for you and I. You get back to your sad, miserable life, while I get what I came for."

"I'm not giving it to you."

"You should never threaten the one with the gun... or wand, which is probably worse."

" I don't... I-..." I'm truly at a loss of words.

"Hmm. What's that?" He starts stepping closer as my breath starts getting choppier and choppier.

"D- don't get any closer! Stay AWAY!"

"You're in no position to negotiate."  

I try walking back, there's no point in running. I hit the corner of the wall. And I have to grip the sides to prevent myself from falling down onto the ground.

He sighs and comes face to face with me. "You're making this harder than it has to be love. Just give me the herbs and we can be done with this."

" I CAN'T! Don't you understand? I can't give you the fucking herbs." He smiles with what I once thought to be handsome, but now all I see is crazy. My legs give away, leaving me to sit on the ground. There aren't any tears yet, but I can hear it in my voice, the desperation, pleading, fear.  Breathing is becoming more difficult every second.

He squats down to my level. He brushes a single hair from my face. I tremble in protest but he simply smiles.

"Oh come on love. You really think I want to be here, convincing you to give the stupid herbs?"

"I honestly don't.... I honestly don't think you care."

He seethes. I can't stand to look at his face and I turn away, trying to control my breathing.
"Look at me." I shake my head, I can't, it's impossible.

He forcefully turns my head to look at him. His eyes seem calm to an outside person but they are intimidating.


"Just give me the herbs."

"I won't! You think this talk will convince me to give you the herbs? You're a psychopath who thinks a potion can undo all your killings and bad actions!" 

"I was hoping it would work out the easy way." He lets go of my chin and quickly replaces his hand with his wand. My breathing becomes even more ragged. I know he means serious business. He would kill me, if it really came down to it. 

Hate the Feeling; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now