Chapter 3: "That's my name Sweetheart."

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I walk to my herbology class and notice Hermione looking at me in as weird way before snapping her attention to the teacher. 

Shoot, is it going to be that classic thing where the friend just happened to see you at the end of the argument, istg..... 

I took notes carefully, though to be honest, the class was easy, but that didn't mean it wasn't fun.  As I was walking out to head to the Great Hall for lunch, Hermione ran up to me. 


"Oh. Hi." 

"I wanted to ask you about something... I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I was walking to Herbology and I saw you walking away from Tyler with tears forming in your eyes. What's up with that?" 

Of course she saw.  

"Oh it's nothing, he's just a jerk from my old school." 

"I see. Well you should tell Harry you know." 

"Geez, how many times do I need to tell y'all? I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF!"  

"Ok, ok. Calm down." 

"Hey, I'm gonna take a quick detour to the library, be right back!" 

"Ok, see you Snow!" 

I start walking down to the library. The truth was, I wasn't all that interested in seeing Tyler or any of the Slytherin gang again.  

But guess what.... I guess my life must really be a cliche movie because guess who I ran into??? 


"Didn't think I'd see you again so quickly."  

I flinch and turn around. Tyler puts his wand to my neck and pushes me to a wall. 

"Now it isn't very safe to walk around all alone with death eaters on the grounds now is it?" 

"T-Tyler-" Dammit... WHY does he have this affect on me.... 

"Hmmm? What's that?" He taunts. 

That's until I hear a familiar voice ring out. 

"I don't think that's a smart idea Tyler," the voice powerfully states. 

Tyler turns around and his eyes show genuine fear. 

"I- Hello. My apologies...I-" 

This was weird, Tyler was not one to back down so easily. 

"Leave. Now. Or I will have no problem doing what you did to this girl for years." 

"This girl?" Seriously? I'm not one to pull the "Don't you know who I am card," but I have a name, asshole.  

Tyler doesn't do anything else and just left.

There's awkward silence for about a minute until I decide to start walking out. 

"Look... thanks for that." 

He scoffs and looks down at me. He's about 5'10 and compared to my 5'6 frame, I don't really compare. 

"Welcome, but you went to school in the US. You held records at your school. You know spells. Why didn't you just use those?" 

"Well first off, he had a wand to my neck, secondly, you seem to know what he did to me, so I just... I dunno, FREEZE UP! It's stupid I know..." I realize I'm ranting which is something I never do, not even to Harry. 

"I don't think it's stupid. It's him and his father that are stupid," he laughs off. We stop for a second to say goodbye, when I see Harry walking in our direction. He looks up from his parchment and his face immediately fills with anger. 

"Get AWAY from my sister Riddle." 

"RIDDLE?" I question. I was in shock. I immediately step back from him.  

"Well hello to you to Harry," he snarkily replies. 

"Ok hold up. Old Voldy has a son? Damn, I'm surprised anyone wanted to lay him," I say. 

"NOT the time, Snow," Harry scolds.  

"Well, yea my name is Mattheo Riddle, Voldemort's son. And I don't know why you're acting so surprised and rude about it. Just a minute ago, you were thanking me for saving your life and ranting about.." I cut him off not wanting Harry to know. 

"Mattheo Riddle?" I exclaim.  

"That's my name sweetheart."  

"Just, stay away from us!" I exclaim.  

"Wow. You Potters are stupid and crazy. Backing away based off of a name." He seemed angry but there was also a hint of sadness in his voice as he said this. 

I almost feel bad for him. Almost. He walks away and I walk away with Harry. 

"Who was that idiot talking about?" Harry asks, still angry. 

"Nothing Harry." I wasn't in a mood for his tantrums or his overprotectiveness. 

"Seriously? This isn't nothing?" 

"Harry, JUST LAY OFF ME? I CAN TAKE CARE FOR MYSELF! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT TO GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD," I scream as I poke his head with each word I say. I know this isn't really what made me angry, but it was definitely my tipping point.  

"Fine Snow, have everything go your way. The USA really did spoil you. It's as if you forgot what happened to our parents." 

" You did not just go there. That's low Harry. And I thought you were the good sibling." I quickly walk away. Lunch is over anyway so I have to go to class.  

As I walk to Transfiguration, I see Mattheo floating first years into the air and not letting them down. A laugh was on his face and he was surrounded by annoying Slytherin folks. I take my wand out and throw Mattheo into the air while letting the first years down. None of Mattheo's counter spells work. 


I smirk and just put my wand up as he falls and lands on his shoulder. 

"You bitch." 

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Word count: 956

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