Chapter 4: Avada Kedavra

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(Much of this chapter is from the video above with a few lines from Snow here and there, this is also a filler chapter sorry lol, it just gives me more motivation to post more chapters ) 

I ran. Not from fear but because I was about to burst out laughing. And I did. I had to stop  because I couldn't hold in my laughs anymore. God, this is stupid. 

In class.... 

Defense Against the Dark Arts.. Not only my best subject, but also my favorite. I was sitting next to Hermione. Alastor Moody walked in. He looked crazy as he pulled out his flask. As if he would kill us all any minute now. 

"Alastor Moody

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"Alastor Moody." he said. He began furiously writing on the chalkboard, while giving a further explanation that no one asked for.  

"Ex auror. Ministry of malcontent. And your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story, goodbye, the END! Any questions?" 

Everyone just kind of looked at him in shock. I was kind of bewildered about how someone could brag, boast, and make themselves look stupid with just a 30 second speech. 

"When it comes to the dark arts..." he continues. " I believe in a practical approach." He said this with insanity dripping in his voice. Ron and Harry gave uneasy looks to each other. 

"First, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" 

"Three sir." Hermione answered. 

Smartass. I thought. Honestly she's the only person I truly respect in this aspect. She's very knowledgeable.  

"And they are so named?" He went back to the chalkboard and began writing again. 

"Because they're unforgivable. The use of any one of them will-" she seemed to be tearing up. For what reason? I don't know.  

"Will earn you a one way ticket to Azkaban." He finish. "Correct. Now, the ministry says you're too young to see what these curses. I SAY DIFFERENT." He suddenly yells, causing everybody to flinch. "YOU NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP AGAINST. YOU NEED TO BE PREPARED. YOU NEED TO FIND ANOTHER PLACE TO PUT YOUR CHEWING GUM BESIDE THE UNDERSIDE OF YOUR DESK MR.FINNIGAN!" This caused everyone to look at him in shock. He wasn't even looking in his general direction. Must be that stupid eye. 

"The old codger can see across classrooms."  

He throws his chalk across the classroom. 


Damn dude, chill, who cut your balls off.  

He proceeds to ask for the first unforgiving curse. Ron gives it to him. 

Wow, who knew he had any knowledge in that braindead head of his. I thought. (Before you saw Snow is rude, don't act like you aren't sarcastic with your friends lmfao.) 

"...The Imperius curse." he stuttered. 

Of course his father would know about that and tell him. 

Alastor Moody nodded approvingly and wrote it on the board. He walked over to his jars of bugs and insects. He picked up a huge spider. God, spiders are gross. 

" IMPERIO!" He cursed. He waved his wand and commanded the spider to move accordingly. 

He made it jump on Draco's face. He was freaking out and screaming. Ron, Harry, and I were clapping loudly. But then the fun died down when he was threatening to drop the spider in water.  

"Another, another." He asked for another curse. Many people raised their hands, even Neville. I know how shy he is so this must've taken a lot of courage. 

"Longbottom is it? Up." He commands.  

"Professor Sprout tells me you have an aptitude for Herbology." 

He quickly nods before answering. "There's the um, the Cruciatus curse."  

" CORRECT, CORRECT! COME, COME!" He was saying it as if he was very excited to show it. Kind of weird that he finds the torture curse amusing.  

"The torture curse..." "CRUCIO!"  The spider begins whining and convulsing in pain.  

Neville looks particularly disturbed, and not just the kind that you see from seeing pain, this curse had a meaning behind it for him. Same for me though. It was used many times on me by Tyler. God I hated it. I was also feeling very disturbed and gripping the sides of my chair. Harry seemed to notice and gave a worried look. 

Hermione seemed even more disturbed however.  

"STOP! CAN'T YOU SEE IT'S BOTHERING HIM STOP IT!" I knew she was referring to Neville. Neville seemed relieved as he finally seemed to breathe. 

Moody brought the spider to Hermione's desk. 

"Perhaps you could give us the last unforgivable curse Miss Granger." 

She shook her head, tears forming in her eyes.  

"No?" He points his wand at the spider. 


I notice me staring at the spider in disbelief and Harry does the same thing. 

"The killing curse. Only two people have been known to survive it. And they're sitting right in this room."  

Thanks for reading chapter 4 guys! Hope you enjoyed it. Please vote if you feel like it! 

What do you guys think will happen to Mattheo and Snow's relationship? What do you guys want? Let me know.  

Word count: 882

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