Chapter 35: Plans ruined

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TW: Suicidal Tendencies

(This is a continuation of what happened after the mini chapter)

I was still snuggled up with Mattheo when he had to mention our stupid problems again.

"You know Loren? I talked to him."

"Geez, that must've been scary for him." I scoffed, hopefully Loren got the message now.

"I didn't get the opportunity to say much before he acted like the dick he is. He will finish his potion or whatever in a day, and I can't stop him myself. I just, I don't know what to do." He sounded really hopeless. I craned my neck to look at him and turned around to face him.

"Say we.... do something about it. Together. Would that help Mattheo? I won't be alone, I'll be with you, and we can stop him, together. We just have to have the element of surprise!" I was already formulating a crazy plan in my head.

"That's the problem, Snow. When it comes to Loren, there is no element of surprise!"

"Ok, but I mean, two against one. We can take him down, and I know how people like him will act. Once his plans are foiled, he will disappear slowly. No worries about it again, and we can go back to our lives." I really just wanted all this shit to be over, and I prayed Mattheo would be willing to risk it.

"What's the plan," he finally said after a minute.

"I know where he's finishing his potion. He will need to add the herbs tonight! We just stop him, burn the grounds, do whatever we feel necessary. Afterwards, he'll be so disappointed in himself that we won't have a single thing to worry about from there." I stared at him, waiting for him to hopefully agree. He sighed and nodded, proceeding to mention we should be cautious.

"Thanks Mattheo. It'll just be something off my back, you know, with the third task approaching and all."

Mattheo breath slowed down at the mention of the third task. I patted his arm. "Hey, it'll be fine, trust me."

He looked at me with a look in his eye I couldn't decipher.

Mattheo's POV:

I so wished that the third task wouldn't happen. I wished none of this bullshit would happen. I wish I didn't have to risk everyone's safety just for my father and his wants. I couldn't stop him however, so what's the point? Telling Snow wouldn't change anything....

I wanted to stay focused on the present, but how can I when I know what the future will look like? Dark marks... all over the sky, no place safe from death eaters.... me included.

I sighed and got up, causing Snow to stir. I went over and grabbed my shirt and was proceeding to put it on, but to be honest, I was just angry at how unfucking unfair everything could be sometimes.

"Are you sure you're ok Mattheo? It's just whenever I mention the third task you just seem so stressed. Is something the matter?" I heard her footsteps behind me and flinched when I felt her hand touch my shoulder. I turned around quickly and went over to my drawer and picked up my wand.

Let's just get this over with.

On our way to the Forbidden Forest, I couldn't help but think to myself because of the eerie silence. I noticed the hoots of owls and slight breeze moving the thin branches on the trees. I was standing slightly behind Snow as she lead the way to the area.

It was getting more and more mysterious as we went deeper and deeper into the forest. I was starting to think she lost her way after about ten minutes, and considering how dark it was outside, I didn't want to risk us getting lost.

"Hey maybe we should go-" Before I could finish my sentence she help up a finger at me, telling me to be quiet. She waved me over a clearing of bushes. From where we were standing, we could see him, he couldn't see us.

She took out her wand and her eyes focused on the herbs. She tapped me on my shoulder and motioned her head towards the cauldron, which told me I needed to get rid of it's contents while she got rid of the herbs.

I nodded, telling her I understood and she positioned herself behind the bushes. I couldn't help but smirk at the way the fire lit up just the right spots on her face and body. The light illuminated the area that surrounded her sweater just in the right places. I couldn't linger my eyes for much longer as she barged out of the bushes.

Loren, startled, got up and took his wand out. I took this as my cue to come out of the bushes as well.

"Didn't think this through did you Loren? Thought you would get your happily ever after?" I went for the cauldron before being tackled to the ground by Loren. He was on top of me and threw a punch to my face before I pushed him off and went for the cauldron again.

"ACCIO!" He spelled it into his hands. He was about to run away, but not before Snow could stop him.

"Hey, Mr.Gray!" Loren turned around and faced Snow, and his eyes widened in terror when he saw her hands holding the herbs.

"You take that, and I burn this, and you won't be able to see the end of that potion of yours." She waved them teasingly over her head.

He got distracted. That was a first. He was usually able to keep his calm. Last day jitters I suppose. I use his shock as my opportunity to get up to him.

"NO!" He screams in fear as he tries to pull away from me, holding onto the cauldron for dear life.

"Poor Loren," Snow coos. She puts her wand to the herbs and burns them using a spell.

"NO!" Loren drops to the ground, anger filling his eyes as he tries to run up to her.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" He freezes and falls over.

I pry the cauldron out of his frozen hands and drop it in the fire.

Tears fall out of his wide open eyes, and I can't help but feel pity for him until Snow tries dragging me away.

"Why the fuck was he crying so much?" I was really confused, he was the type to get angry.

"Trauma Mattheo. They will do anything they can to try to get rid of the feelings of trauma. I don't blame him, I mean, knowing you killed you best friends because of something you couldn't control- that's gotta do something to a person."

She stares at me directly in my eyes, and holds my hand. "How do you deal with your trauma, Mattheo?"

I can't help but stare into her baby doll eyes as she looks up at me for an answer. She smiles with a look of pity on her face when she doesn't get her answer.

She leaves me behind. I can't tell her how I deal with my trauma or whatever, she would overreact, think it's something that it isn't. I pull up my t-shirt sleeves, and see that the spell I used to cover them up is wearing off, and there lay the fresh cuts on both my wrists made from my pocket knife.

Yikes........ Well oop. Sorry if this triggered some people :((((( Please vote and comment!

Word count: 1257

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