Chapter 31: Butterbeer

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"Are you SURE we have to do this?" Mattheo groaned and banged his head on the table. 

"YES it's what all couples do, they go on dates and have drinks and pastries and shit. Now come on, order the butterbeer dEaRy." I exaggerate the nickname. 

"Ok, sWeEthEarT." We both laugh at how funny the situation is. When the butterbeers come along, we both drink it and have an undeclared staring contest. 

"Why aren't we talking again?" I ask. 

"Cause we already know almost everything about each other." He blinks and therefore I automatically win. 

"Oh really? You sure about that?" 

He rolls his eyes before finishing all his butterbeer in one gulp, earning a disapproving look from me. 

"Ok, since we know a lot... about each other, shouldn't we ask the boring, silly questions?" He asked like he was confused. I stare at him with a look of judgement. "I'm just saying what they doing in the TV shows! That's it. " 

I laugh as I roll my eyes before settling back down in my chair. "Ok... like what type of questions. Hmmm?" 

"Uh... like... OH!" He snaps his fingers as if he just discovered something amazing. "Like what's your favorite color?" 

"You just went over the line there Mr.Riddle." He looks at me as if he's waiting for an answer so I sigh. "It's maroon, what about you?" 

"Light tan." 

"Why so specific?" 

"It reminds me of a lot of people in my life I guess. My friends, cousins, mother." 

"You never told me about your mother. What was she like?" I didn't want to pry that deep, but I honestly was curious.  

"Uhm. It was a witch, named Joanne Cunningham. She was very powerful, beautiful, and she was soft hearted. I wouldn't say the nicest person, but she was still amazing. I got to know her as my brother for... I think 7 years before..." 

I quickly realized what he was going to say. It was rare to see Mattheo vulnerable like this. 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. " 

"No no. It's fine uhm... Yeah, it's fine. I don't mind talking about these things with you." He was closed off after that. 

I walked up to him and gently pulled him up. 

"C'mon, let's go to your dorm." 

On our walk back from Hogsmeade, he starts the conversation again. 

"Look, uh, my dad, him and my mom were having an argument about something, I don't know what happened, but when I went downstairs, my dad was on the ground and my mom was pointing her wand at him. She looked at me, and I was shocked with what stared back. A loving, caring woman who now had fear and desperation in her eyes." He paused as he tried to recall everything. "She told me to get out, and after a few of her pleads, I did. But the next second, I heard a blood curdling scream, it was my mom's. She was dead, my dad killed her. I- I don't know what for. And honestly I'm too scared to find out. It still haunts me in my sleep." 

I didn't know what to say. So I just helplessly smile and wrap my arms around him, his eyes are glassy from remembering the occurrence. "I'm sorry, at such a young age. I don't know what to say. Everything I say will be cliche and it won't even hold any meaning I'm sure." 

He sniffles slightly. He isn't exactly crying but I pull away and caress him face, letting him know I'm there. 

"We're almost at your dorm, let's go." I have to practically drag him and once we reach his dorm I can't help but smile. 

"What are you smiling about huh?" He smirks. 

"I can't just smile? Gee Mattheo." I plop onto his bed on my back. I lay down. 

"So you wanna play chess or something?" I don't get a response so I lift my head up slightly. 

"Uh hello?" I feel weight shift on the left side of me and I see Mattheo there, smirking at me, his head resting on his hand. He's propped himself up onto his elbows. "Hello Mr.Riddle. So, how bout that chess game?" 

"Isn't there something..." He pauses and rolls down closer to me, now laying down on his stomach. He has this innocent look to his eye. "A bit more fun? Like you know... couple stuff?" 

"Are you hinting at something Riddle? Maybe if you-" Before I can say anything else I'm cut off by him locking his lips with me. I don't make an effort to stop him, I mean I have no reason to. 

He rolls on over on top of, pinning my arms to the side. Our lips move in perfect synchronization. He doesn't remove his lips when he reaches his hands behind me to pull me up. I gasp in surprise but am quickly shut up by him.  I wrap my hands around his neck. He stops for a second and looks up at me. 

"There's something I should tell you-" 

"It can wait till later." I kiss his lips again but he pushes me back again. 

"Trust me, I really do want to continue, but this can't wait. Sorry for ruining the moment." 

"Ugh." I sit back up normally and smooth my hair out like nothing happened. 

"Loren. If I'm correct, in about a week his potion will be done. We're gonna have to figure out how to stop him or else this could be disastrous." 

"I- I know it's just, I don't know what we can do. Can we please just have one more day of peace before we do something about it please?"  

He seems worried but he gives a sympathetic look. 

"Of course. We'll figure something out." 

Ok, again, a short chapter, but I tried with the kiss and all, I know it's not that good, I really did try! Please vote it helps a lot! And also comment, I love reading your comments! 

Word count: 1006 

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