Chapter 15: The Second Task

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"HARRY!" I scream. It was late afternoon and everyone was about to leave for Hogsmeade but Harry was up late all night studying spells that could be helpful for the 2nd task. He was taking a nap on his bed only to be interrupted by his amazing sister.  

When he doesn't awake to my screams I very politely smack his head with a pillow..... Repeatedly...  

"Wha- what..." He seemed dazed for the second until the reality of his head being killed by a pillow seemed to dawn on him. "Wha- what the actual... SNOW!" 

"Morning Harry!" I smile innocently. 

"Ughhh, what do you want?" He says, laying down on his back, covering his head with a pillow.  

"Seriously Harry? You haven't slept for one night and you forgot about something really important?" I make a pretend sad face. "Come on...." I urge him. 

He blinks for a few seconds until realization hits him. 


"WHY? What's wrong?" I asked. 

"It's your 15th birthday...." 

I'm confused for a second as to why he's so worried about that until I remember.... 

"Ohhhh Harry. The fun we two are going to have. You'll be a fantastic wingman." 

"Don't you dare Snow. I swear to god just give me another year of peace."  

"Nooooope. God. Fifteen is considered an appropriate age to date someone. I bet you regret telling me that don't you?" 

"I have no idea what was going on in my head when I was telling you that." 

"Yeah, me neither. So..... I'm thinking a hot, tall Ravenclaw with gray eyes, raven hair and-" 

"Shut up." 

"Oh how rude, it's my birthday, you can't say that to me on my birthday." 

"Says who?" 

"ME! Now come on... we're going to Hogsmeade, everyone's already at the gate, COME ON!" I start dragging him by his arm until he realizes. 


"NO ONE CARES HARRY! You are freaking Harry Potter, you could go out in a garbage bag and people wouldn't care."  

"I hate you." 

At Hogsmeade.... 

"Have you ever tried butterbeer?" Hermione was trying to convince be to try this yellow mustard looking drink. 

"No, and I have no intention too." 

"COME ON! It's amazing. C'mon, give it a swig." Ron urges. 

Hermione urgently taps Harry on the shoulder and nods her head in front of me. I turn around and the see the Slytherin gang and Mattheo. God are they really still overreacting about that? 

"Let's go." Harry says. 

"But-" I protest. 

But of course, he doesn't listen and we all exit. God, everyone is SO dramatic.  

We walk around a dessert shop and I hoard on jelly beans and cauldron cakes.  

"Bit much don't you think?" 

"A girl needs her sweets Hermione."  


Today wasn't horrible, it was quite nice actually. It would be better if the task wasn't coming soon, but I can't do anything about that. I decided to go the astronomy tower again, not like I had anything else to do anyways. 

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