Chapter 45: The Dots

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While walking away, I look up and see Loren, for the first time in weeks. He's blinking rapidly and looking at me with concern. I didn't get enough time to do or say anything as Moody continued dragging Harry and I into Hogwarts. He pulled us into his classroom and pushed us into two chairs, next to each other. 

"Ok? You alright?" he asked. 

"Yes Moody, we are fantastic after seeing our parents murderer." Harry remains silent and continues shaking to his core. I stay still, everything still registering to me. He walks behind  usand starts fiddling around with everything on his table. I hear the sound of lots of glass clashing around. He groans in frustration, causing me and Harry to flinch. Harry grips onto my shoulder, as if I was a life line. He turns around and stares at horror at an empty bottle. Withdrawal possibly? He begins desperately trying to chug the bottle, but nothing comes out.  He angrily yells and throws it on the ground. 

"The graveyard... Were there others?" He looks at me and Harry with an insane look, his eyes begging for an answer. 

"I-..." Before Harry responds his face morphs into worry. "I don't think I mentioned anything about a graveyard professor..."  


All the dots were beginning to connect. 

I immediately lashed out as the pieces came together in my head. "It was you! You're the one who put our names into the Goblet of Fire? WHY! WHY MOODY? You were an auror, you know the punishments!"  I was panting as I tried to catch my breath. 

"Who do you think told you about the dragons? Who saved you guys? Who do you think killed Barty Crouch Junior?" 

"THAT WAS YOU?" Harry yelled out in shock and confusion, all morphed into one. 

"Agh-" Moody moaned. His face began morphing weirdly as he screamed in defeat. We heard commotion and talking and the sound of running outside. 

"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" Me and Harry immediately do so at the sound of Mcgonagall's commanding voice. Dumbledore puts Moody in a chair, a wand to his neck. Moody begins convulsing, and twisting his head even more until his figure changed completely. A splash of relief comes over me as all the teachers surround us. 

"Barty Crouch Junior..." Harry mumbles in utter despair. The color has completely drained from his face, as I'm sure it has from mine. 

Snape forces Barty to drink Veritaserum. 

"BARTY! What are you doing here?" 

"I'm here for those two." He looks at us. "In service of the dark lord of course." 

"Where's the real Moody?" Dumbledore's voice was nothing like I've seen before. It was grand. Commanding. And most of all... terrifying.

"In there," he motions his head to a chest. 

Snape goes on over and opens it after using a series of spells to unlock it. 

"MOODY? You down there?" We all wait in silence and just hear a groan of protest. "Don't worry, we'll get you out," Snape yells. He snaps his attention back to Barty. "Why? Why'd you kill your own father?"  

"Because... I hate him. HE SENT ME TO AZKABAN!" 

"Harry, Snow, get out of here. NOW!" This was the first time me and Harry saw him like this. We excuse ourselves and walk outside. Now I knew why everyone called him the most powerful wizard. It was interesting to see. All the thoughts began to overwhelm me as I started feeling faint. My eyes were blurring slight and I was stumbling on my own feet. I felt a wet patch on my stomach, suggesting I got a deep cut there but only just noticed. 

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