Chapter 14: Just friends

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**Cringe warning for literally this whole chapter. It's just so cringy omg I don't know how y'all make romance so wholesome and amazing. Anyways, hope u like it 😭**

Silence. That's what follows my confession. I don't know what's going on through his head. I just know whatever it is, it can't be good. I freeze. Physically and mentally. I don't want to have to prepare myself for whatever his answer could be. 

"How?" I was surprised by his response. 

"How what?" I ask. 

"How were you able to do it. Moody says it takes a lot of mental courage and capacity to do so. How were YOU able to do the Cruciatus curse? " 

"ALMOST!" I corrected. " And maybe it has something to do with what happened in the US. I don't know. Does it really matter?" Just.... I- I don't know, I'm a monster. I'm becoming Voldemort."  

"No. You're not. Though you were a bit extreme...... I understand where you're coming from." 


"Who are you and what have you done with Harry?" I joke around, a tear dropping from my face as I've finally gotten these feelings out after so long. I quickly wipe it as I smile genuinely for the first time since I've come to Hogwarts.  (**I'm cringing at this so hard help 😭**) 

At night the next day.... 

A week... that's how long we had until the next task. I was feeling confident about what could possibly happen, but honestly I don't know what to do. One amazing thing about this school are the many hiding spots you can sneak out to during the nighttime. You get a fantastic view of the lakes and forests and nature. The astronomy tower.  

There is a ledge you can sit on which is kind of dangerous if you ask me, but no matter. I dangle my feet off the ledge and watch the lake for a few minutes before I remember this isn't a movie where everything becomes perfect because of nature.<333 Suddenly it became boring and I just decided to read on the ledge since I had no intention of going back to the dorms.  

"You're in my spot." I flinched and turned around to see Mattheo, staring down at his book while writing notes. 

"Forgot to do your homework?" I question. 

"I never do it. I just felt bored today." 

"Never thought someone would do their homework because their bored. You're a completely different species Mr.Riddle." 

"Yup. So did big brother finally cope with his sister going to the ball?" He had a very high tone of sarcasm in his voice. 

"Yes actually. I told him everything. I bet you took great pleasure seeing my brother in distress." 

"Hey!" He said, raising his hands up. "We had a deal." 

"Yeah, yeah. I know, no need to remind me of the worst decision of my ENTIRE life." 


He sits behind me and does his homework while I finish reading. I wouldn't say it was awkward, but it definitely wasn't comfortable either.  

"You gotta admit, the ball was fun." He says out of nowhere. 

"Fun? It was horrible." 

"Oh yes, I could see how horrible you were finding it from the way you were laughing like a maniac. Mhm yes...." 

"I- I WAS NOT!" I protest. 

"Yes you were." 


"Sure sweetheart, whatever helps you sleep at night." He just leaves it at that.  

" Don't take the ball the wrong way." 

"How many times do I have to say it sweetheart, don't flatter yourself. I don't think of you that way." 

"I KNOW! I just don't want you getting any weird ideas like... being a fling or something. " 

He bursts out laughing. 

"Oh my you really are delusional." 

I blush as I think over what I just said. 

"Just friends." he says. 

Wait, we're friends?  I think. I don't know what to say at the moment so I just say- 

"Friends. Just friends." 

THANKS FOR READING! I hate this chapter so much but I gotta upload something. It's so cringe. But hope you enjoyed it anyway. Please vote it helps a lot! 

Word count: 691

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