Chapter 42: The Third Task

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That next morning, I spent the first few hours talking to my friends and then just chilling in Mattheo's dorm. Though, he was avoiding talking to me for some odd reason.  

I was sitting on his bed and he was sitting at this desk. 

"Uh... Mattheo. Whatcha doing?" I look over his shoulder and see him writing something on a piece of paper. "What're you writing?" I walk on over to see but he quickly stashes the paper away. 

"It-it's nothing." 

Ok, not suspicious at all. 

"Doesn't seem like nothing, you seemed pretty serious about it." I looked at him, as if asking for an explanation. 

"I said, it's NOTHING." He turned around and looked me dead in the eye. "I'm not doing anything wrong, ok? Just, don't worry about it." He turned back around and rested his face in his hands. I sigh and run my hands through my hair. "Sorry Snow, I- I'll show it to you later.... when I finish it."

"Ok.... well I'm just going back to my dorms. See you at the task I guess." I wait for him to respond, but all I get is the cold shoulder. This is starting to get annoying. "FINE! Be a dick then." I stomp my way out of his room and slam the door on my way out. "Fucking bastard," I mutter.  

"Well look who decided to show up." Hermione was sitting on her bed and looked up from it. "Where were you?" 

"With my boyfriend. I actually give time to my boyfriend." She rolls her eyes and continues reading. 

I sit on my bed and check the clock. It's 4 p.m, the task is set to start at around 7:30. Better start getting prepared now. I get out of bed and onto the floor. 

"One....two....three....four...." I count. 

"What're you doing?" Hermione looked down at me. 

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm doing push ups, you don't get these abs by doing nothing! 16.....17....." 

I can feel her judging stare at the back of my head. 

"bOoKs iNstEaD oF gOoD lOoKs," I mock her. 25....26.... Once I reach the 35 mark I stop. Damn, I usually stick to 25, must be adrenaline rush. I do a few sit ups and crunches before following the repetitions three more times. 

"GOD! I'm trying to FOCUS here Snow. Do your counting IN YOUR HEAD!" I'm on my last rep of crunches anyway so I count extra loud to annoy her. 

" TWENTY FIVE, TWENTY SIX, TWENTY SEVEN, TWENTY EIGHT, TWENTY NINE, THIRTY." I plop down on the floor and pant for breath.  


"lUteLy bArbAriC!" I mock her once again. She slams her fist on the bed and goes into the common room. That was definitely worth it. 

It's about 7 p.m. I should get headed for the third task. I change into a sweatshirt and black, kinda loose jeans. 

I walk my way to the field and see the stadiums quickly filling up. Everyone is speaking loudly and cheering, laughing, and making a mess with snacks. 

Ron and Hermione make their way down, but we only have a minute before Filch chases them off. 

"GOOD LUCK SNOW!" Hermione begins dragging Ron away before they caught and I can't help but laugh. 

"CHAMPIONS!" All of us turn around and Dumbledore huddles us together. 

"Ok, now remember, this is going to hard, be careful, send red sparks if you need help. We'll be starting in 10 minutes."   

We all nod and give each other awkward looks. I feel eyes burning in the back of my head and turn around. Mattheo is standing there looking directly at me. I sigh and walk over to him. I pause and look at his eyes carefully. "Got anything to say Mattheo?" 

He shakes his head before taking a deep breath. "Is.... there a chance you skip the third task I-" He looks defeated, destroyed, but I'm to in shock at his words to give a damn. 

"Oh my god, MATTHEO!" I run my hand through my ponytail. "WHAT IS GOING ON IN THERE? WHY! WHY ARE YOU SO RELUCTANT ABOUT SPEAKING ABOUT THE TASK, LETTING ME GO IN, ALL OF THAT? What are you hiding from me?"  I look at him, my eyes pleading for an answer. I observe his face carefully. His facial features soften and he closes his eyes and faces his head to his shoes. He shakes his head. 

I scoff at his weak response. "Once a dick, always a dick." 

Mattheo's POV: 

She began to walk away before I called her name. "Wait, SNOW!" She turns around hesitantly and I walk forward a bit.  "I-.... I'm sorry. I just... I'm worried about you, and I can't help but think something bad will happen in there." I know something bad will happen in there because I know what's about to go down. I sigh. "Just, please stay safe." Her eyes of anger relax a bit and she manages to put a small smile. She doesn't say anything but she just nods in agreement. I peck her on her lips and stare her down in her eyes. " I love you."  

It takes her a moment before she responds. "I love you too." She caresses my hands one last time before leaving to go with the other champions. I anxiously make my way back to the stadium and sit next to the other Slytherin death eaters who sit next to me. They look at me and smirk before paying attention to the front again. It takes everything in me not to rush down there and apparate Snow away from everything. 

Snow's POV: 

"EVERYONE! PLEASE, SILENCE!" At the sound of Dumbledore's voice, everyone quiets down. 

"Champions, please take your places. Harry and Snow are in first place and will enter first, followed by Cedric, then Krum, and then Fleur. Good luck champions!" Me and Harry face ahead of us, and wait for the maze to open up. I feel my heart slowly pumping and the adrenaline rushing through me. I tap my leg slightly on the grass. After what seems like forever, the bushes open and I step into a world of darkness. 

Woooooow. Shit's about to go down! Hope you liked this guys! I really tried lol. Pls vote and comment. 

Word Count: 1052

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