Chapter 26: Blood and letters

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I was walking to the astronomy tower when I heard a huge slam. Curiosity got the best of me and I turned around. I was hidden behind a corner in the wall so I could see what was happening, but they couldn't see me. 

I was surprised by what I saw. Loren, down talking another student. However, I wasn't seeing the polite, soft hearted boy that I knew, but a monster, a manipulative liar that had everyone fooled, except Mattheo..... 

I couldn't leave the scene. I was too afraid of what could happen. The time I needed it the most, I didn't happen to have my wand. Great, just great! I looked at the scene, and even though I could tell he cast a silencing spell, because I was closeby I could still hear everything going on. 

His voice had a calm tone to it, but you hear, and even feel his deadliness behind it. I was too blind to see it before, but now, it was like Tyler all over again. Every time I saw Loren move in the scene unfolding before me, I felt a tingle of fear run down my spine. He was as horrible as Tyler, if not worse, considering he's had me fooled for a long time.  

His words, his mental abuse, physical abuse, everything going down on this poor boy. But the icing on the cake was him dragging his limp, possibly dead body into a cupboard.  

I turned the corner as soon as possible and ran to my dorm. I wasn't sure if he saw me run away or not, but I needed to act as normal as possible. I didn't even want to be in his presence anymore. He scared me, and if someone scares me, then that's a problem for everyone. 

His voice said it all. The look in his eyes said it all. Everything I needed to know. He's a psychopath, deranged, manipulative, cunning, and  god awful.  

I may not have had friends in the US, but I did have professors who were all to willing to answer questions for me. I had a list of a way to contact them in one of my herbology folders. When I was looking through my bag, I couldn't find it. FUCK MY LIFE AND IT'S CLICHE STORYLINE. I'm pretty sure I left it in Mattheo's dorm considering his was the only other dorm I brought that folder in. There were only a few people in the Slytherin house during the Christmas break, Mattheo, Pansy, and some other random ones I couldn't care to remember.  

I managed to get into the Slytherin dorms when one Slytherin was trying to get out and I made it to the prefects dorm, or room I should say. Mattheo is Slytherin's prefect, and in a prefect's room there is a huge bed, desk, and their own shower.I heard the shower running but I had no time to ask him if I could look through his room, so I looked through his desk but to no avail, nothing was under his bed either. 

I suddenly heard the shower stop. 

"Who the fuck are you?" 

I turned around and Mattheo's annoyed expression immediately relaxed. "Thank god I thought you were a random Slytherin girl." 

"Uh... no... it- it's me." I've never seen this before, but standing in front of me, was Mattheo Riddle who had a black towel around the bottom half of his body. A quick scan through him showed abs, toned but not bulky muscles, and many scars, just like the ones on his face. I quickly looked back up to his face to notice his smirk. 

"Did you come just to enjoy the view sweetheart?" 

I turned around and threw him the white tshirt and gray sweatpants on his bed. I cover my eyes with my hand until he gives me the green light. 

"You can look now you know." 

"Thank god. Do you just walk shirtless around your room?" 

He quickly advances and bends is neck so his face is to my level with my face. "I never know when a hot girl is gonna pop by." That gave me butterflies. I've mentioned before that I always thought Mattheo was hot, so this closeness was exciting but weird.  

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