Chapter 47: Hate the Feeling

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The next morning, Dumbledore calls an assembly before we are all due to leave.  

After we all file in and Dumbledore says his greetings, he gets to the serious part of the convo. 

"We are gathered to talk about something more serious. About Cedric. I feel like you all deserve to know what's happened to him." 

There was a deafening  silence across the room. 

"Cedric was murdered in cold blood." Everyone began murmuring, specifically about Mattheo. I saw him cowering in the back as people pointed at him.  

"But may I remind you, we are strong people, we stand united, and if we're united, nothing can stand in our way. So please, in honor of Cedric Diggory, let us unite together!" Everyone claps at his speech. 

When we're dismissed I immediately get my suitcase and rush to the train statin with everyone. I stick with Harry, Ron, and Hermione until they leave on their train, leaving me all alone. 

I look around, for some reason, I want to get one last glimpse at Mattheo. Give him one final death glare, or see if there are any signs of humanity in him.  

As I walk around, I say sad goodbyes to many people. Seamus, Dean, Cho Chang, Parvati, just all my friends in general.   

I see Loren in front of me and I walk up to him. 


"Hi," he says. He smiles. 

"Look, thank you for bringing me and Harry to the medbay I-" I'm cut off by him grabbing my face and kissing me. I'm caught my surprise. He lets go and looks at me. 

"No, thank you Snow. You saved me. " He left, leaving me in shock. It felt so wrong. I had no idea what just happened.  

I tried to ignore it and looked around for Mattheo. 

I looked around until I spotted him in a small crowd of people. He was already looking at me. I looked at him with no emotion on my face. I caught his small smile at me. A person walked in front of him and he was gone. 

Some part of me was relieved, but another part of me told me too many things were left unsaid. The announcement of the arrival of my train took me out of my train of thought. I boarded the train, all alone. I put away my luggage and just sat with a book in my hand. I didn't read it though. I looked out the window, and watched the trees, lakes, cities, everything pass me by. The whole time, I thought of one thing- Will my life ever be the same? 

No. I knew the answer was no. My thoughts kept drifting to Mattheo however. I was still so upset at him, and I wanted to fucking murder him, but a small, very small part of me, believed that maybe, JUST MAYBE, Mattheo meant me no harm. 

Somehow I knew my life wouldn't be the same without him, or without us communicating. I lost my boyfriend and my best friend at the same time. He betrayed me and hurt me. Yet I knew I could never truly hate him.  

As I boarded my plane and ate the snacks, I found pictures in my backpack. His smile was so cute, and I felt his eyes warmth. I knew deep inside, I cared about him, worried about, and still loved him. 

And I hate the feeling. 

The End. 

Hate the Feeling; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now