Chapter 19: Stormy Night

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"He's stupid! I mean, threatening to put Veritaserum in my pumpkin juice for ingredients for the polyjuice potion? I'm no idiot to go on stealing ingredients from his cupboard."

"Snape is a complete wanker!" Ron is complaining about Snape with Harry and Hermione as they always do. 

"I mean, I didn't steal ANYTHING!" It's pretty clear Harry is worked up about this. "And when I walked by, the headmaster from Durmstrang, he had a mark on his arm. 

I spit out my drink at this. 

"GROSS!" Hermione jumps up and starts swatting at her clothes. "ABSOLUTELY BARBARIC!" 


"Uhm... yea, he was telling Snape it's a sign or whatever and when they saw me, he covered his arm. Pretty suspicious if you ask me." He was trying to make speculations, I could tell, but I knew exactly what this was. 

"Uhm.... I may have an idea about that." 

"Oh do tell us please." Hermione seemed annoyed from my earlier actions. 

"Ok. So.... don't get mad, but I may have known that Snape MIGHT have been a death eater." 

All three of them gaped at me, surprised I would withhold such information.  

" BEFORE YOU GUYS GIVE ME ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR SHITTY LECTURES, hear me out.... I heard it from Tyler, and Harry.... I'm assuming you told Ron and Hermione about him...." 


" Yea, anyways, he told me that Snape could be a death eater. But he's full of shit you know? I mean I didn't think it was TRUE! But now I don't know....." 

"Well if he is, then why would Dumbledore allow him to be a teacher?" 

"I don't know..... maybe he truly is a reformed death eater, but I doubt it, Voldy had strong influence."  

The words sink into all three of them as they think about what I just said. 

"Wow.... that-that's just great. I- wow.... So we have 4 death eaters on the grounds. Tyler, Mattheo, Durmstrang guy, and Snape?"  

"Oh Ron, you seem to be in denial." I give him the fake sad face. 

"Not the time for your jokes Snow." 

"Right Harry. Always be serious and condescending, my bad." 

"I'm being serious. What can we do about this?" 

"Nothing. We do nothing. I mean, let's be real, neither of us stand a chance against Snape or Durmstrang guy. Plus, aside from contributing to our mental disorders, he never really physically harmed us, so I don't see why he would do so now." 

"Ok, but how about this. Remember how he so badly wants the DADA job? He must know a lot of dark spells... Suggesting that he knows a spell that would allow the triwizard cup to choose two specific champions... and who's to say he didn't put our names in the cup?" 

"What are the chances of that Harry? Snape is horrible, but he isn't stupid. He wouldn't do something under Dumbledore's watch, especially after having gained his trust. I may not be the biggest fan of him, but Dumbledore is smart, if he's choosing to trust him, then so will I. And remember our first year? When we thought he was the one trying to take the stone? Well he wasn't! So I don't see why he would do so now." 

I myself was surprised by what I've said. I'm no fan of Snape, but what I said is true. 

"What about your new best friend? What if he has something to do with this?" 

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