Chapter 6: That's hot

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(This is a bit of a filler chapter, once again, kind of setting up the story) 

I realized how stupid I was to think it's Mattheo. Even though his father is supposed to be dead, Dumbledore believes he's still out there. Why would Mattheo get me killed when he knows his father wants to kill me himself. He may be his son but he's still a death eater, and is therefore, loyal. Tyler is WAY more likely to do this. The question Even if he put my name and Harry's name in there, how were five instead of three people chosen?  

Enough problems. I'll just figure it out tomorrow.    

Suddenly, my mind turns to how I thought Mattheo was hot yesterday. I'm stupid. I mean, just because I find someone hot doesn't mean I LIKE them.  

Mattheo's POV:  

**Cringe warning ahead.**

As I walk away, I think to how absolutely stupid Snow could be. Like seriously, I'm not my father. I did think about Tyler though. What is up with him? I see him in the Slytherin common room.

"Excellent stunt you pulled there." I heard him say. 


"You're acting soft. Granted, not that soft, but definitely a little bit."  

"Well sorry if I don't want to kill someone and get sent to Azkaban during my time here." 

"Pfft. I'm not stupid you know. You've killed people before. Snow's definitely hot, but she doesn't like you, sorry."  

Like her? She's hot sure, but no way I like her. She's fucking annoying and narrow minded.  

"You have some nerve talking to me like that you know?" 

"Well, too bad you 'can't kill.' Hmm?" With that, Tyler walked away. 

I stayed in the common room in shock. It's no secret that I don't want to follow in my father's footsteps, but that didn't mean I can't an absolute dick sometimes.  

Liking someone was a foreign concept to me. I've had a few flings but nothing more then that. I wouldn't mind being with someone, but my father is in the fucking way. 

Back to Snow's POV: 

  "Harry, I've got something to tell you." 


"Well, we should probably tell Ron and Hermione." 

They come... 

"Ok so.... After the selection I may or may NOT have gone after Mr.Riddle." 

"Are you stupid mate? You've gone bonkers!" Ron was giving me his infamous incredulous stare. 

"I know! Ok? It's just that I suspected him. Honestly, I don't think he did it. Neither did Tyler. It's so obvious. I mean how would five people get selected anyway? It would require such dark magic, way beyond his talents. I guarantee you Mattheo knows something about this. There's just no way he doesn't. He's probably one of the strongest death eaters AND he's Voldemort's son. " 

"Right.." I could sense the anger in Harry's voice. 

"Here's what I'm going to do- I'm going to try to talk to Mattheo a bit? Maybe we can try to get some answers from him. What answers? I don't know, but I'll figure something out." 

"That's got to be the most stupidest thing I've ever heard!" Hermione seemed to be in an outrage. 

" I know but, no offense, he's not the biggest fan of any of us. But I'm fresh meat, so who knows...." I trail off. 

I can sense Harry's anger because he walks away without saying a word.  

Ugh. It seems that no matter what I do, someone is going to end up hurt, emotionally or physically. 

"I'm with you Snow, but seriously, be careful." 

"Thanks Ron."  I walk away soon after that. Thankfully today is Saturday, and because I finished all my homework, I decided to go to the library, I just needed to away from everyone.  

At the library I see Mattheo. It's now or never. I walk up to the table and sit in front of him.  

He looks up. "What do you want now?" 

"I can't just apologize?" 

"An apology? Who spelled you?"

I roll my eyes. "Look, I was stupid to assume all that shit about you, I'm sorry, maybe we can just try to not hate each other?" 

"I wonder what happened last time we thought of doing that?" he teased. 

"I'm being serious ok! Like I said, I don't want drama." 

"Well you're doing a fantastic job at that." 

"Look, do you accept my apology or not?" 

"Fine, fine, apology accepted." 

"Good, now I need help." I lied. 

"Charms homework. It's only two questions, come on." 

I knew that it was wrong of me to play with his feelings, just for my own personal gains. I felt dirty doing so. But I don't even know what I'm doing at this point. 

Mattheo's POV:  

**Cringe warning**

As soon as I get to my dorm, I throw my bag harshly to my bed and kind of cackle in a funny way. 

Does she think I'm stupid? I know for a fact they learned those questions last year at her school.  

Poor girl falling for a monster is what I WANT to think. But I know the truth is far from that. She probably needs something. AGAIN! Except this time when she breaks our deal, it's going to be hell for her.  

Back to Snow's POV in the next chapter. 

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it lol. It's kind of a cringy chapter but I tried. Anyways, vote if you feel like it. What do you think will happen during task one? 

Wordcount: 910 

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