Chapter 43: Portkey

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I look around, I barely see any light. I keep my wand out. The purplish, blue sky with slight moonlight provides me enough light to see. I keep looking at each direction, I feel as if someone, or something is following me. i keep turning around in each direction. 

"Deep breaths Snow, deep breaths." I breath in and out of my mouth a few times until I get my composure. I slowly make my way around. I hear a rustling to the left and turn around to observe the area. "Lumos," I whisper. I don't want to have to keep my wand up so I do a spell the suspend the light in the air as it follows me.  

The rustling now seems to be coming from all directions. My pace quickens a bit as I try to move away but no matter what direction I go in, the sound keeps on following me. I keep my wand steady out in front of me. Suddenly the rustling stops. This is never a good sign. 

I peek slowly around when I hear a soft humming. It is so quiet that I can barely hear it. The humming becomes louder, and louder, and louder, until it started sounded like someone vocalizing. It was almost peaceful. This too however, became louder, and louder, and louder, until it sounded like a screech, and then a scream. A high pitched scream that got louder and louder. It felt as if my ears were bleeding.  

No matter what direction I went in, the scream followed me. I casted a spell to transfigure my scarf into muffling headphones. It helped somewhat but the sound was driving me mad. 

"SHUT UP!" I yelled. I tried so many spells but none of them worked. From far by, I heard another scream, Cedric's. I began running towards that direction. The screaming, both Cedric and the other, finally ceased. I sighed and took off the headphones and transfigured it back into a scarf. I sighed a breath of relief as the wind began to blow a bit cooler. 

Not even a minute later the maze begins closing in on me. I start panicking while thinking of a spell. With all my might I yell, "BOMBARDA MAXIMA!" The maze flies to the side a bit. I use another spell that acts like a force, pushing the maze to the side of me. Now that's definitely a spell none of the champions know of.  

I walk around and just use my instincts to track where I should go. I use my wand to make a spell that points north of the maze and follow that. 

I hear something behind me and turn around to observe. So far, I've encountered a few creatures, it was terrifying but I survived. I hear the footsteps approaching. These don't sound like a creature.... they sound all to familiar... human. Someone's here.  

I keep my eyes peeled. I barely blink. For a minute, I barely move a muscle. The footsteps now sound much to close for my comfort. I turn around and don't see anyone. 

"REVELIO!" I yell. A figure of a large human appears. It's Krum. His eyes aren't filled with a normal look however, but rather a white like filter. 

"What the-" He points is wand at me and casts a spell, though I'm not sure what. 


"STUPEFY!" He quickly falls back and I run from there.  

I turn back to see if he follows me before my head bangs into something. 

"AH!" I hear. I look up and see Harry rubbing his head.

 "HARRY! Thank god you're here! I just ran into Krum, he looks... different I don't know I-" 

"He's under the Imperius curse. I just warned Cedric." 

"Wait, what about Fleur?" 

"She got taken out, Krum got to her." 

"Oh-" I take a few deep breaths and look around. 

I catch the yellow glimpse of a shirt. 


"SNOW?" He comes out and sighs when he sees both of us. The moment is ruined when we hear footsteps again however. Of course it is. None of us moved which can only mean one thing. 

"STUPEFY!" We all hear. 

"PROTEGO!" I yelled. 

"EXPELLIARMUS!" Cedric yelled. He must have one heck of a powerful disarming charm because Krum gets knocked out. Cedric rushes over and takes the wand out of his hand and sparks red sparks in the air. The air around us becomes foggy all of a sudden. We all start yelling for each other frantically. I catch a glimpse of a blue light in front of me. I realize a second earlier and begin running for it. 

I hear them quickly running behind me. 

"Oh fuck no! I'm not giving here you assholes!" I ran faster than I ever could until I hear Cedric's scream. Harry catches up next to me and we look behind us and see Cedric clawing at the ground. 

"SNOW, HARRY! HELP ME!" Me and Harry quickly look at each other, questioning on what to do. 

"PLEASE!" I sigh and run for it, while using the  "Diffindo" curse to cut the vines. I hear Harry close behind me. We help Cedric stand up. He towers over both of us as he catches his breath. 

"For a second I thought.... I thought you were gonna let it get me." His breath is fast and heavy as he heathes for breath. 

"The cup, let's go for the cup!" 

"You guys go on, you saved me." 

"You did too," Harry said. "Let's go, all three of us!" 

We all run for it and circle the cup. 

"On the count of three." Says Harry. 




We all touch the cup and we feel ourselves swirling. We land with a big oof on the ground. 

I sit up and rub my hand and widen my eyes in shock. 

We're in a graveyard.  

I'm thinking...... 3-4 more chapters? Something like that?  

Word Count: 989

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