Chapter 12: The Yule Ball

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Fuck this shit. I think. No way IN HELL am I going to the ball with MATTHEO RIDDLE. Him, of ALL people. I knew it was a deal, but him and I don't really have the best history with following deals. Meanwhile, Harry has been bugging me all week about who my date is. I've been thinking of telling him, but how would that conversation go?

Hey Harry, remember how we share a connection for hating Mattheo? Well guess what, I kinda made a deal with him to go to the Yule Ball so he could open a door for me so I could use the torture curse on my torturer who you have no idea about. Anyways, how's life?

Yea... no. I'm just not going to go. It's settled.

Few hours later...

"WHAT!" Hermione shrieked out loud. "You're not going to the ball? That can't happen. You're a champion you have to, and your date is going to be waiting and all, and I spent HOURS looking for a dress for you. Come ON Snow, it's not THAT bad!" Hermione tried pleading with me.

"I've made up my mind, I'm not going."

"Ugh, wasted my time which I could've used studying that potion. God..."

Nerd. I thought.

I was in an empty classroom, in my pajamas, an hour before the ball, staring at my dress. It was a beautiful dress.... Mattheo and I agreed to see each other an hour before the dance, and sure enough, he found me in the empty classroom, but it was locked so he knocked on it.

"Snow?" He knocked again. "Hello?"

Uhmm... Quick. Think fast, think fast....

Cough cough. "I can't go I have..." cough cough. "I think I have dragon pox, I don't want to spread it to you I...." The door was very quickly unlocked and I looked up to see a disappointed Mattheo looking down.

A very unamused look was on his face. "Wow... Great acting. Where's your Oscar?"

"Ugh..... I don't want to go, can I just... not?"

"We had a deal," he stated simply. 

"Well.. I don't want to go through with it anymore! I just... don't! I don't like you, not in THAT way."

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO FLATTER YOURSELF! You think I'm stupid enough to like you in that way? I just want to annoy your brother! I have a beef with him to settle, I told you that!"

"Prank and annoy you say, huh?" I smile mischievously. If there's one thing I love more about my brother then him himself, it's how he acts when he's annoyed.

"YES, Snow." He sounds exasperated as he enunciates each word. 

"Then you've got yourself a deal," I exclaimed in an excited tone.

"I thought we already had one...."

An hour later...

I walk down the stairs wearing my lovely dress.rI do look quite good if I do say so myself.  

 I see Mattheo and I walk up

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 I see Mattheo and I walk up.

"Come on, lets go inside," I tell him.

We link arms like we see the others do and walk in.

This is weird... I think this because it's about as close as I've ever gotten to a guy who's not Harry or Ron. Mattheo has his famous smirk on as Harry makes eye contact with us.He's visibly angry as he walks over to us.


"Excuse me?" Mattheo replies, acting fake offended. 

"What?" Harry replies in his angry tone.

"I just felt offended at you calling me a piece of shit," he retorts, acting hurt, but it's hard to believe with that stupid smirk on his face.

"Snow, were you really this desperate for a partner?" He sounds angry, but also hurt, but worst of all, disappointed. Whatever, I'll just let it slide for today, that is tomorrow's problem.

"Well... look at that the ball's about to start," Mattheo says, saving me from a potentially awkward situation.

"Champions! Get with your partners and enter the dance floor!" Mcgonagall commands.

All five champions and their partners enter the Great Hall and make it to the dance floor. We all start dancing and I'll be the first to admit.. Mattheo is a great dancer.Once people start going onto the dance floor, I start dragging Mattheo off the dance floor.

"Ok, you've had your fun, people have started spreading rumors, so let's just go our own separate ways the rest of the night ok?"

"Oh hell no, that wasn't the deal, come on, to annoy your brother."

"FINE!" I say. One night of being bad... I think. I have no idea what's wrong with me.

I end up sitting at the table next to Ron and Harry and start fake flirting with Mattheo. He's a WAY better actor than I am. The night goes on, and fine, maybe Mattheo was actually a decent person. I actually had a good time, minus the death glares I got from Ron, Harry, and Hermione the whole night. I thought they were overreacting. They barely talked to him so how would they know what he's really like? 

After the ball.... In the common room 

"Harry.... HARRY!" I call after him but he ignores me and goes straight into his dorm. 

"GOSH!" I shout and plop onto the couch. 

Ron and Hermione sit across from he, looking kind of disappointed. 

"Are you stupid Snow? You know who Mattheo is and you STILL decide to go to the ball with him?" Hermione began, and I knew this was just the beginning of another one of her lectures. 

"Oh come one Hermione, he's not even THAT bad. I mean, seriously.... I'll be honest, maybe I took it a bit to far, but we weren't really talking about you guys. We were just kinda, chilling."

"He's a Riddle! You understand that right?" Ron asked. 

"Of course, it's just. I don't know. This whole Hogwarts thing is getting to my head. I'm confused, and I don't know! I'm struggling." 

"Well you're coping with your 'struggles' horribly," Hermione protests. "Just absolutely ridiculous," she says. 

"God, come on, I'm just asking for your support right now." I immediately know what I said is wrong. It hits me of how stupid I've been, and how idiotic I've been. What is wrong with me? I'm being incredibly selfish. 

"Honestly mate, I think Harry needs our support more than you right now." He gets up and leaves. Hermione makes eye contact with me before shaking her head and leaving.  

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it. Please vote if you feel like it, it really helps a lot! 

Word count: 1125

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