Chapter 21: Bad Move

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Snow's POV: ( There is a made up herb in this chapter btw)   

"I mean what were you expecting?" Hermione seemed exasperated with me. 

"I mean, I dunno, I thought birthday parties in the UK would be different." 

"Different how?" 

"I thought there would be tea and cookies and the whole pinky up thing. I dunno." 

"Those are STEREOTYPES Snow. That's like me saying all Americans are fat and love donuts."  

"I mean the loving donuts part is right..." 


"aBsolUteLy bArbAric." I found it fun that I was imitating her, clearly she did not. Well, unless you have any more complaints about this not being a cliche tea party, let's go inside again and celebrate the twin's birthday." 

"It's not their birthday ,it's their friend's birthday." 

"Such a minor detail, no need to correct me Snow." 

"Gee, I wonder who does that....EVERYDAY!" 

The "party", was small but everything the twins planned was always fun. The most fun part was probably the spelled candy Ron ate that temporarily made his teeth chipmunk like. 

He was not very happy, but everyone else sure was. Loren Gray, however, did get invited. Guess he was friends with Lee Jordan or whatever. He seemed to be likeable. All the fourth and sixth years were conversing with him. All the fifth years tried to ignore him though. Ouch. Everyone must hate what they can't become.  

I'm staring at all the people drinking butterbeer and inhaling pumpkin pasties when I feel a presence next to me. 

"Kinda weird isn't it? I expected something different from a British party." 

Loren? Is he initiating the conversation with me???????????? 

 "I know right? What happened to your tea and having nothing to talk about but the weather?" I couldn't believe this was happening. 

"Well, at least it's not a huge culture shock or anything." He was very calm, something I noticed is that he always seemed calm asf 1000000% of the time.  

"Oh! Thanks Ginny!" She handed me two cauldron cakes and winked before leaving. PLEASE TELL ME HE DIDN'T SEE THAT. I turned around and thankfully, he didn't, but that was a close call. 

"Have you ever tried... cauldron cakes?" 

"No, are they good though?" 

"I mean, yeah. Here," I hand him one of the cakes. "Try it." 

He's hesitant at first but when he eats it his eyes light up in surprise. "You've got to admit, they got good snacks here." He seemed to be filled with surprise and delight at the same time. 

"Yea they do. They have good food, I'll give them that." 

"Referring to a country in third person is hilarious to me for some reason." 

"Yeah, it is kind of ridiculous," I admit. 

He kind of laughs it off before he's called be Lee. 

"See you!" 

"See ya." 

OH MY GOD. WTF???? I'm definitely telling Ginny about this.  

"Hey Harry!" 


"You see that guy?" I nod over to Loren. 

"Uh.. yeah?" 

Hate the Feeling; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now