Chapter 13: The Truth

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I owe it to him. I owe Harry the truth at the very least. He deserves to know, especially after how amazing he's been to me. I dread the conversation that I knew would have happened eventually anyways. I can't believe that I haven't even been at this school for 5 months, and I've already gotten myself involved in multiple dramas, EVEN WITH MY OWN BROTHER! 

 "Harry?" I come into his dorm. There are very few people around us so I don't have TOO much pressure on me. 

He heard me, but he continues to ignore me. He's sitting on his bed, twiddling with his fingers. 

I sigh and end up sitting next to him. 

"You know when I came here at the beginning of the year, I wasn't looking for all this drama, I was just looking to get to know you and Ron and Hermione and just get my education over with you know? I never meant for any of this drama to stupid shit to happen. I want you to know that ok?" I really did mean what I say, and I know I messed up, BRUTALLY. I don't even know what I was thinking.  

He looks up for a moment, not in my direction though. He quickly goes back to observing his fingers. 

No snarky comments... no snarky comments.... I keep telling myself. 

"Mattheo and I were in detention together. I needed to get out of detention early to.... talk to someone in a not very polite way." At this Harry looks at me, and his look tells me I should continue. "And he did. This was really important to me, and I was stupid and in exchange for him opening the stupid door, I would be his date to the ball.. and-" Before I could continue however, Harry cut me off. 

"Why? What was so important that you went to THE BALL with him?" 

"I'm getting there.... Anyways, I agreed and when I found this said person... I was about to do a not very nice thing... Mattheo it turns out, followed me. And he stopped me, and honestly I'm glad he did, otherwise I don't know what I would've done with myself." 

"What were you going to do? And who was this person?" 

I ignore his questions and continue my story. 

"After that... I kind of realized Mattheo's not that horrible. Granted, he's still low key a jerk but you know. We talked even before this when I was trying to get information out of him you know? Well long story short, he kind of figured out I was lying and got really pissed off at me for it. I don't blame him, I would feel the exact same way. We made up after he stopped me from doing that thing...." 

"I'll ask again, what thing?" 

I ignored him, AGAIN! I couldn't bring myself to tell him. " And when me and Mattheo had the argument, he said I was becoming Voldemort. And.... some of the words he said cut deep, really deep. But the worst part was that I knew his words were true. I know... I sound dramatic and all, and it sounds stupid.. but... I don't know." 

He nods, he understood my predicament. But I knew the questions that were burning in his mind. 

"There's something else Harry. I wanted to come to England not only to get to know you and my friends, but to get away from the people at my old school. Two of the people at my old school... one professor and one student, were former death eaters." 

Immediately I see Harry's eyes fill with worry and shock as he stares at me in shock.  

"Well, former wasn't exactly true. They knew who I was, naturally, and they hated my guts. Simply for humiliating their lord. They.... they did awful things to me. Things that I can't explain to you right now. Harry..... You're probably thinking what the chances are... but I'm being serious. They would taunt me, scare me, and even sometimes in extreme cases, the... the torture curse." 

Harry doesn't do anything. I know that isn't a good sign. 

"Harry.... what I'm about to tell you you need to be very patient with... you can't go ahead and do anything stupid.... ok?" 

"No promises." He says, venom dripping from his voice.  

"I'm telling this to you because I trust you. Ok? It.... it was Tyler." 

"T- Tyler? TYLER?" 

"YES HARRY! IT WAS TYLER! HIM AND HIS FATHER DID HORRIBLE THINGS TO ME!" I felt a tight feeling in my throat. Harry seemed to be trying to calm himself down.  continued on, calming myself down.   


"So when he was here, I was shocked, scared, angry. But you know what? That day.... the day I found out who Mattheo was, it was him. It was him who SAVED me from Tyler and his taunts."   

"But- why... how?" 

"I- I honestly don't know but..... he was the one I was going after after I Mattheo let me out of detention. He said horrible things to me when everyone was at Hogsmeade. So I decided to do something horrible to him. And I would've if I hadn't been stopped." 

I see an expression I dreaded seeing on Harry's face the most.  Worry. Not for what Tyler and Mattheo or anyone else had done, but for what  was about to say. He was thinking about the horrible thing I was referring to was. 


"I- I tried to use the Cruciatus Curse on him."  

THANKS FOR READING! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I'm lowkey proud of this one, even though it's a bit cringe lmfao.  

Word count: 957 

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