Chapter 32: The Forbidden Forest

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There was an awkward silence between me and Mattheo after that so I decided it would be best for me to leave so I got up.  

"Wait where you going?"

"Oh, sorry Mattheo, look it was really nice today, but I think I should just go... I'll see you at the astronomy tower ok?"

He seemed upset, as if there were unsaid words he wanted to say. "Uhm, yeah, of course, bye."

I left and decided to go outside into the courtyard. It was nice and windy, and the ground was only slightly damp. I heard a crack a few feet away from me and turned to see the back of a familiar person. He turned around slightly. Loren.

He smirked and nodded his head ahead of him as if he wanted me to follow him. He quickly picked up his pace and I slowly followed behind him, though soon I was falling behind, yet I could hear the very faint sounds of his footsteps. After a few minutes, I noticed I had entered the forbidden forest. I wasn't even allowed to be here. I was worried but I tried straining my hearing as much as possible to hear any glimpse of Loren. I noticed a footprint in the mud to the left of me and quickly followed it.

There were many bushes and the towering trees were preventing much light from entering the forest. I could barely say anything.

I didn't want to have to keep my wand out so I held out my hand and said, "Lumos." I was relieved when a small ball of light popped out of my hand. I couldn't do insanely powerful wandless magic, but simple spells like this I could do.

As I continue walking I hear twigs cracking around me, but using the light, and looking in all directions, I don't see anyone.

When I make my way ahead, I hear a slight bubbling sound. The sound doesn't seem to disappear no matter how much I head in the direction I hear it in. It's driving me crazy until I decide to bolt for it in that direction. I rush to a halt when I see Loren sitting on the ground, a cauldron, no bigger than the size of a vase on the ground, surrounded by stones. I have to give it to him, it's a well concealed place. This must be the potion he was discussing.

"Well come out Snow, I won't bite." He looks up in my direction. I know he can't see me since I'm concealed, but no point in hiding since he knows I'm here.  

I get rid of the light I'm spelling in my hand as the fire around the cauldron is providing enough light. I take out my wand and step out. 

"Why hello there. Glad you got time to step out of your little makeout session with Mattheo." He was breaking apart leaves with an unbreakable smirk on his face. 

"God, will you just shut up? Why did you signal me to come here?"  

He stares me up and down and his eye fixates on my hand and he scoff-laughs. 

"Still nervous." It wasn't a question, but rather statement. 

"What do you mean?" I put on fake confidence even though, inside my heart is hammering. 

He stands up and steps forward while setting down his cauldron. I try stepping back before my back slams into a tree. 

"Well, let's see. Overly broad shoulders, fidgeting hands, fake confidence, ALL around. Great to see I have such an effect on you love." 

"GOD why did you have to do this to me? You fucking idiot, now I'm scared of another person at this fucking school." My breath trembles a bit. 

He sucks his breath in through his teeth and he moves my open, loose hair that covers my neck and moves them out of the way.  

"The bruises are practically gone. You can't even tell unless you really check. And look!" He slightly pulls down the top part of my shoulder sleeve. "The nail marks are practically gone." 

"God." I bang my fists harshly in his chest, which only just slightly pushes him back. 

"Now I brought you here to-" 

"Too gloat," I cut him off. 

"You should now I'll have what I need in a few days time. I just simply wanted to invite you to celebrate!" He pulled out two beers from a bag. 

"What do you say?" 

Ok, random chapter, idek what I'm doing with my life so.... Yeah, thanks for reading! Please vote it helps a lot. 

Word count: 767

Hate the Feeling; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now