Chapter 25: Red Handed.

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I jump back to the side of the bedpost. I turned around just in time as Loren entered. I was still trying to calm myself down after what I read. So I know the herbs had something to do with him, but I didn't know what. 

"Uh... hi!" 

"You ok?" He was putting his coat on. 

I was feeling extremely flustered and in a moment of shock, I did something suspicious. 

"Actually... I just remembered I had to do this... thing, so if you... uh if you wanna go with a friend, I guess... I'm just..." I was extremely surprised by his list of things and as well as his sociopathic lines written to Tom Danvers. I immediately rushed out. I didn't conceal it all that well, and to be honest, I was worried about what I may have possibly gotten myself into. I was busy walking quickly towards my common room that I didn't even notice I hit a rather hard wall- that I couldn't seem to get out off..... 

"What the-" I was looking down a bit so when I look up I was greeted with the smirk of Mattheo Riddle. 

"RIDDLE! You follow me EVERYWHERE I go. Come on- let me go." But he wouldn't. 

"You seem to be in a bit of a rush sweetheart."

"Cause I am!" I moved his arm over my head and quickly made my way to the common room, which I had pretty much all to myself. I was really worried about Loren to be honest. I ignored the red flags until now. It was all so sudden that I didn't know what to think. All my thoughts were forced together in just a second, and it was a shock to me.  

Shit. I forgot the ask Mattheo about that. I was pretty good at all my subjects, but I never took particular interest in potions, so I decided researching it would be a good idea.  

I quickly rushed to the library and started scrambling through books that could potentially hold info on how certain herbs looked like and what they could do. I was really into it once I got into the flow. I didn't even notice the last person I wanted to see right behind me. 

"Hello." I heard the very seductive, familiar whisper of a particular person. I felt their arms wrap around me and try to pull me out of the library section. 

"Oh hey Loren..." 

"Hi love. Studying? In winter break? More important than me? That hurts my feelings." He tried sounding fake hurt and gently tugged on my while having a hold on my waist to get me out of the section. Even though I tried to resist he managed to get me out. 

"Is everything ok? You seem off." 

"Uh.. yeah. Everything's fine, just doing.... research." 

"About... potions?" He plucked the book out of my hand despite me trying to prevent him from doing so. "Herbs? Interesting." 

"Uh... can you give that back please? It just seems really interesting." 

"Ok." His mood seemed to shift a bit suddenly as he walked away soon after that. I read through the entire book until I finally came across herbs that looked similar to the ones Mattheo gave me. It had a sage green color to it, and it had many uses. It could be used to heal does who were an inch from death temporarily, but used wrong, it could also cause death. There have been many myths surrounding the properties of these herbs and how with a combination of another herb, the second one Mattheo gave to me, and its properties of resurrection, however these potions have long been proven a myth. 

The pieces were slowly coming together.... He felt sorry that a guy named Tom Danvers had to witness his behavior, and now he is trying to make a resurrection spell.... 

Oh no. Oh no no no no no! How could Mattheo not tell me this? No wonder he was so skeptical! But I couldn't help but believe that Loren had some good meaning behind this. But I wasn't sure how to bring it up to him. What's worse, is that the potion has been shown to possibly inflict death upon huge numbers when made.  

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