Chapter 24: Risky Moves

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I knew it was stupid to have a boyfriend after only getting to know them for two weeks, but honestly, he was a great guy, and plus, everyone knows that your first high school boyfriend isn't "the one" 99% of the time, they're just the guy who you end up loving anyway and then get heartbroken over and learn a lesson from. Mattheo was less than happy about the news, and Harry, Ron and Hermione were weirded out but not surprised. It's been one and my friends and Harry seemed to have come to terms with it, but Mattheo still seemed upset, complaining I didn't have a "deep" connection with him.  

I mean, the most "deep" conversation me and Loren had were random "emotional" rants from time to time. It didn't feel like things were clicking too much, but he was a great person who you just feel comfortable around, and you feel you can trust. Plus, it's only been a month, taking it slow is the best move. 

Loren's POV: 

**Double cringe warning frl I have no idea how to write this kind of shit** 

I've been looking for the stupid herbs a month now. I figured once Christmas break started, it would be easier to find it. Mattheo, as always, is insistent on not giving way it's location. I'm known to be a great observer, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that PDA make Riddle uncomfortable and angry.  

"Snow!" I saw her walking out of her class. She turned around and seemed pretty cheerful. 

"Hey Loren. Look, you wanna go to Hogsmeade this weekend, I have nothing better to do." 

"Of course! See you!" I quickly looked up and saw Mattheo walking to his class in our direction and while smirking in his general direction I managed to steal a kiss with Snow. 

"Ohh someone's different today." 

"Relax." I can't help but laugh at the comment and at Mattheo's eye roll at the very obvious PDA. 

As Snow and I cross paths I "accidently" bump into Mattheo. 

"You must really be desperate Loren." 

"I'm just lucky to have the girl! What? Is someone a little jealous?" 

"Jealous? Please-" 

"Oh please, anyone with half a brain and two eyes can see it. So, not a very new question but, I'm looking for two bags of herbs. Any idea where you hid them Riddle? Or have you forgotten yourself?" 

"Trust me, you won't find it. You must really be desperate, trying to get into my head, I can recognize when someone is using the Legilimens spell." 

"Oh, am I supposed to be scared that you caught me Riddle?" 

"Risky moves you're making huh Gray. Getting real brave?" 

"Risky moves get things done." 

"You're getting impatient. You're usually one for safer moves. Desperate times call for desperate measures hmm?" 

"OOH! Right!" In all honesty I didn't really pay attention to the meaning of his words. "Back to my incredible girlfriend, I should mention her, I figured it's appropriate. I mean she's your best friend." His jaw immediately tensed at the sudden topic change, I knew I had him. 

"Oh wait, of course that isn't what you want right? But her being your wannabe girlfriend, you probably told her where the herbs are. What's to stop me from asking me to tell her?" 

He snapped. He must REALLY be having a bad day. 

"OH SHUT UP! Snow has it hidden. NO ONE knows where it is. So you can forget about getting your musty hands on the fucking herbs." His eyes seem to suddenly widen as he realizes what he just said.  

Hate the Feeling; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now