Chapter 36: Please

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TW: Suicidal tendencies, relapse 

Wanna give a thank you to the countries that my top readers are from!   

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4.) Germany, Austria, Belgium(many more) 

5.) Norway ( and many more) 


Snow's POV: 

The third task had already been announced, and honestly, I wasn't too worried about it! 

Ok, fine, maybe I was, but I mean, what can I do about something I have no control over? I've been practicing a few new spells. Well, review is more like it. I know many spells, and I know how to use them in a duel, so I think this will turn out great.  

Another plus, we are duelling with 5th years, AGAIN, in DADA. Everyone is sick of it, and I think the fifth years are too, seeing as most of us are losing against them, except for me, Harry, Hermione, Parvati, and surprisingly, Draco. 

But seeing as the third task will probably be the most dangerous, this will be terrific. 

Everyone shuffles into the classroom. I look around the room and make eye contact with Mattheo. He looks slightly tired, but he smiles and waves nonetheless. My eyes happen to glance at Loren and it is not a pleasant sight. Droopy eyes, dark undereyes, puffy eyes, red water lines, sunken, hollow cheekbones. I immediately know he relapsed and I know it's me and Mattheo's fault. Yes, we stopped him from doing something that could've ended up disastrous, but at the end of the day, he was just a broken guy who didn't know what to do. He was clever, I'll give him that. I had already told Harry and my friends about the incident, to say they were unhappy was an understatement, but they understood, I think?  

My thoughts are broken up when Alastor and his stupid voice begin speaking. 

"Alright, everyone is here? Good, now, let's have a few new pairs go on today. I call..... Draco and Hermione to the stand." 

I couldn't help but laugh through my mouth, causing a few people to stare at me. Draco is going to fucking die.

Draco seemed to know this too. Since I was close to the duelling ground, I could hear him mutter, " Stupid mudblood and her stupid tricks." 

He started the duel once Alastor said, "begin." 


Hermione easily warded off the spell and acted as if she was about to Stupefy! 

When Draco put up a protection spell, he was shocked that there was no spell. 

"Confundo!" He looked around and stumbled on his own feet until Hermione dropped the spell. 

"EXPELLIARMUS," she yelled. 

"PROTEGO!" Draco blocked the spell why still trying to get on his feet. 

"Incarcerous!" Draco was tied up as he started slowly getting rid of the ropes, Hermione finally was able to use the spell to take his wand out. The duel barely took two minutes.  

Everyone clapped, except for the majority of the Slytherin gang.  

"Alright, alright, we get it, Draco's a duffer, let's have.... Loren and Snow." 

I know I say this over and over, but my life is a fucking cliche movie, and I HATE THE FEELING!  

We both look at each other, me having a look of pity I'm pretty sure, and him with a look of hatred and anger. People like him are hard to duel when in that state. Mattheo looks at both of us with a look of concern. 

He throws out a spell without saying a word. Fine Loren, two can play that game. I throw up a shield which directs the spell back at him, by the time he blocks the spell, I throw another spell at him. 

It hits him, but he was able to soften the blow with a small protection spell.  

He throws multiple spells, me easily blocking them. To be honest, I knew his mind was at a fragile place right now, and me knocking him off his feet was going to do much.. except give a reality check...  

"FIGHT BACK YOU IDIOT FIGHT BACK!" He sounded so desperate, as if he didn't know what to do anymore. 

Oh, trust me Loren, if I really, "fought back," you would be toast. 

I throw a huge blow of a spell at him, throwing him back. He gets up on his feet, not before I create an ice wall around him. I don't know why, maybe cause my name is Snow ;). He breaks through using a spell, in which I finally say, "Expelliarmus." Boom, duel over, and I barely tried. 

I hear Mattheo and Harry sigh of relief as I make my way back to the fourth year side. Loren is clawing and pulling at his hair, which concerns me. I barely pay attention to the next duels, as I watch him constantly ridicule himself. 

When I was at Mattheo's dorm that night, I heard the shower on so I just waited on his bed as I finished my herbology essay. When I finished, I heard the water stop and he stepped out in a plain black shirt and sweatpants. 

"Hey you." He had a towel in his hand as he ruffled at his flat, wet hair. I couldn't help but chuckle at how different it looked. 

"What? Don't like my shower hair?"He leans on his elbow next to me. 

"It looks... different." 

"Oh... does it now? I bet yours looks worse." He grabs a few strands of my hair and plays around with it. 

"Oh no, I look hot with it." 

"Hmm... maybe I can find out... when we shower... together?" He winks and I smack his head with a pillow. "MATTHEO!" I scold.  

He holds his hands up in mock surrender before wrapping those arms around mine. 

"So, whatcha doing here? Are you ok? With the whole Loren thing and all?" 

"I'm ok, he just seemed... broken and all." 

He hummed and I sensed him closing his eyes and taking slow breaths. 

Mattheo's POV: TW: Suicidal Tendencies 

I had my eyes closed for about a minute until I felt something coming out my wrists. I know cutting myself is bad, but somehow it makes me feel better for all the horrible things I've done to others. I used spells to conceal them from Snow, but the spell must've worn off. 

"Hey, one minute Snow. I'll be right back." I probably wasn't concealing my fear as well as I thought because she followed me. 

"Mattheo are you ok?" 

"I- I'm fine I-" I was feeling more tired and she grabbed my arms and looked me in the face. 

She rubbed my wrists with her thumbs as she looked up at me. Oh shit. "Mattheo are-" Her expression suddenly changed and she looked down at her thumbs to see them have blood on them. 

"What the-" She looked back up at me and before I could leave she hastily grabbed my wrists and looked down at them, shocked at the sight, two bleeding wrists. 

"No no no no, Mattheo, please no." She looked up at me, small tears in her eyes, it broke my heart. 

"Please don't do it."  

Yikes... sorry if this triggered anyone! Please vote and comment! 

Word count: 1221

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