Chapter 38: Final Dance

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No, I didn't have sex with Mattheo that night, we had to leave sadly after hearing footsteps, talk about a turn off.

It was the week before the final task, and here I am, getting ready for the pre party. We were planning to have a party after the task as well. I found a beautiful blood red dress that I had kept in my suitcase. I put my hair in a bun and Ginny did heavy makeup on me despite my protests. I finished the look with a necklace and a few bracelets.

I thought I looked pretty good and smiled at my appearance.

(There is no gif of her smiling in the dress lmfaooo)

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(There is no gif of her smiling in the dress lmfaooo)

Ginny looks gorgeous in her silhouette navy blue dress, and Hermione surprises me with a knee length golden fabriced dress, she looks hot. Ron and Harry are wearing a suit and tie, thank god.

I agreed to meet with Mattheo before the party so he could take me there so I make my way to his dorms. The party is going to be at the Ravenclaw house anyways.

When I enter his dorm, he's in a very light gray buttoned up t-shirt.

I lightly knock on the restroom door to get his attention. A smile instantly floods his face.

"You look gorgeous Snow. A little too much if I do say so myself. Guess I gotta keep my eyes wide open for guys tonight." He winks and put on his suit thingy, whatever you call it.

I rush for his tie before he can grab at it.

"Let me," I say with a flirty smile.

He smirks for the millionth time as I get up closer to him to tie it. I pay attention to the tie while he pays attention to me.

I may or may not linger my fingers on his upper chest longer than necessary.

"You trying to hint at something Miss Potter?" The name makes me want to scream, I love it.

I pull him closer by his tie and in my best seductive whisper, " I'll leave those thoughts up to you Riddle." I let go of his tie and quickly walk out and to towards the Ravenclaw dorms. Not that I make it far anyway since my back hastily meets a wall.

"You do not get to do that to me Snow." His eyes wander up and down from my face to my dress, especially the part where cleavage is showing.

"Do what? This?" I wander my hands up and down that soft, hollow spot on his back causing his breathing to hitch. This time, I'm the one smirking. "I don't know if I can stop Riddle, you know you really are-" My arm is quickly removed from his back and above my head, along with my other arm. Oh boy.

"Too far Snow. What are we going to do with you?" His face goes to the crook of my neck, I expect something but I get nothing. "Tell me, what are we going to do with you and your teasing self, hmm witch?" His words tickle my neck, but he refuses to do what I really want.

Hate the Feeling; Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now