Chapter 39: Interesting News

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Hey guys, I realized that my books is starting to become kinda repetitive and I apologize for that, I'm just tryin to build the romance aspect considering this is a.... romance ff lol. But yea I get I haven't been doing that, so I'm gonna try to add more Voldemort related conflicts and shit so yeah! 

I believe I wake up at around 9 A.M. The lights are still off. I turn around slightly and see that I'm still wrapped in Mattheo's arms. His eyes are slightly open, his mouth smiling, and his eyes are trained on me. 

"Good morning Theo." 

"Hey." He closes his eyes again and rests his head on the pillow. He holds me closer to him. 

"We- should get up." I try leaving but he's insistent on staying another few minutes. 

"Pleaseee Snow."  

"Oh you little child. FINE! Five minutes." 

"Five minutes? That's it? C'mon Snow you can't do this to me."  

I don't say anything and just laugh a bit before settling down again. 

After a few minutes I push myself out of his arms. 

"Now, we REALLY have to go. Don't you want to hang out with me at Hogsmeade?"  

He groans and rubs his eyes. 

"Fine, go get ready, I need to wake up first." His morning voice is so hot, I swear to god.  

I was changing in the the shorts I was wearing underneath my dress and the sweater I carried in case it got cold. I was in my black sports bra when I heard a thump. I couldn't turn around until I felt Theo's arms wrap around my waist. 

I feel his lips lock onto my neck. I suck in my breath. 

I can't talk, not with him slowly trailing his mouth across my jawline.  Just when I'm getting in the moment he pulls away and combs his hair out like nothing just happened. 

"Ughhh, seriously?" 

He shrugs with a smirk on his face. 

"Come on, let's go get breakfast." 

When we enter the great hall, I go sit with Harry and the others. He seems to be in a serious mood. At first, I thought it was because I wasn't at the Gryffindor rooms but it turned out to be something else. 

( This part isn't exactly cannon, well part of it is, but the discovery of it is not.) 

"I figured something out." He sounded in a rush as he gobbled down his toast. 

"Well that's a first," I say. 

"This is serious, Snow. I need you to know that. Hermione found out-" 

"Oh so it was Hermione not you." 

"CAN YOU LET ME FINISH! I'm trying to say something. Hermione found out that there is a pensieve in Dumbledore's office." 

This got my attention right away and I immediately paid more attention. 

"We think it might have something to do with past death eaters. Including that proffesor from Durmstrang." 

"Well it's settled then isn't it? We need to get into his office." 

" I mean I agree, but we can't even be sure there will be information there that is useful." 

"Harry.James.Potter, Dumbledore keeps lots of secrets. Maybe this is another one. I mean......" I debate whether or not I should tell him Snape used to be a death eater, but even I know Dumbledore wouldn't be dumb enough to let a psycho death eater teach. Some secrets I keep to myself as well. "He's done it before. What do you say?" 

"We'll... figure something out. And you know... maybe not tell your boyfriend?" He rubbed his eyes as he said this, hinting he was getting fed up with out relationship. 

"And why not? May I ask." 

"Maybe because he is a death eater-" 

"WAS, a death eater." 

"Either way, don't tell him." 

"FINE! Whatever. I just want to get this Voldy shit done with." 

I'm gonna cut off the chapter here cause I am so fucking tired ong. Pls vote and comment! 

Word count: 660

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